Chp 29- Entering not sneaking in

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A/N: hey guys the new cover is here and I am internally wheezing. It's beautiful.

Chp 29

Entering not sneaking in.

Rose's POV

I swallowed the meat in my mouth. It was purely silent except for the sounds of food being chewed and forks including knifes on plates clicking on each other.

No one said a word. Even the guards around the place looked like they were not even breathing in fact they looked like pure stone.

The only reason for that is because we fought yet again and it so happens that our dear father was the one who forced us to be dining together because Jung was the type of person who would rather sleep than face us.

Speaking of Jung, he wiped his mouth looking absolutely pissed off but he wasn't the only one so he shouldn't feel special or some sort. Without saying anything his footsteps echoed as he left and soon half the table followed until it was Jonathan and me.

"Goodnight." He whispered softly before dragging himself with his long hair tied up in an expert ponytail.

Once I was alone, I got bored like I was a few minutes ago so I left to my room only to find Asnath sleeping but I was in the mood to do something.

Sighing I looked at the window and smirked as an idea rilled in my head. I walked towards it and opened it slowly before ducking out my head with my lower body so I can swing my feet and Jump out.

Which I did.

Once I was outside. I noticed the line of guards around me before shrugging and walking to the gate not caring whether my family knew or not.

As usual the gate opened. This was a really a bad thing, I mean it was 10 on and it was only getting darker than it would be.

This is probably the time I could meet a few robbers especially now that am in the rich estate myself.

I had to be careful.

Walking on the quiet street I admired the silence and the singing to the sky and it's creator which is the moon that I walked under it's gaze and observation.

I loved the silence but what would happen if the world became too silent?

What if people couldn't even talk?

Before my thoughts could wonder off I noticed that I arrived in my destination.

Am bored so I bet he won't mind at all.

Just like the last time I settled to enter the same way I did before. Their gate wasn't so great nor was it sufficient.

Nevertheless to say I was closing his door not bothered if someone had seen me nor have they noticed a creepy figure standing on the walls.

Looking around the clean walls except a few pasted powerful qoutes from Jay Shetty and a few other monks I didn't know of including a few math equation.

Seriously he needs a serious break from school it can turn to be un-healthy.

"Guys stop!" A voice I knew too well said as I sat on the bed cross-legged while running a hand through my hair that had grown beyond my shoulders normally I would prefer it if it was around my neck but I've been wrong to procrastinating.

"Sweetie!" A giggle "It's ok to like a girl."

"Just tell us!!" A voice, deep and dominant demanded while I listened and continously played with my hair.

"She is clearly special." A female voice murmured.

"It's way past my bedtime!" Kevin said in frustration.

"Chill it's Friday." Another voice said.

"Just because I am now comfortable leaving very late to School doesn't mean it applies to my bedtime." Kevin said unpleased "I told you, she's a friend. Yeesh goodnight!"

"Kevin?!?!" Different voices called as I heard footsteps approaching the room.

"Noo! Goodnight." He shockingly snapped and for a moment I wanted to hide behind the door just so I can scare him and murmur 'happy Halloween' but that wouldn't happen as soon as the door opened.

The owner didn't even look at me instead they turned around locking the door while switching off the lights with yawn.

Kevin stretched before turning around and for a minute he blinked hard.

"Rose?" He asked like he was seeing a ghost.

Dropping my hand from my hair. I lazily sighed.

"You said you would be my friend and I did tell you am a needy person."

After a few minutes he nodded.

"Yeah." He lazily whispered blinking hard as if to prevent himself from sleeping.

After a couple minutes of silent staring contest. Kevin took his laptop and shoes including shirt clamming he does not like shirts when there are one.

I wasn't complaining because although not muscular, his body lean and perfect.

He opened up the sheets and looked at me making me stand up taking off my shoes and shirt as well ignoring Kevin's blush and the constant eye contact that he desperately tried to avoid.

"What are we watching?" I asked watching him pause his scrolling through Netflix to interpret my words.

"I really don't care right now." He whispered looking back at the screen "So you sneaked in again?" He said in a cheeky, smug, naughty tone.

"It's entering. I entered not sneaking in." I signed as he placed the laptop between us so that we can cuddle under the blankets.

"Lol." He murmured tiredly as I watched the Underworld film come into view "I, me not mind because... "

I simply watched the screen until I could hear a snore.

I didn't sneak in. I just used a unique way to enter another person's house without them knowing.

Yawning I switched off the laptop before placing it on the ground so I could cuddle mister annoyed.

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