Chp 16- A little conversation

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Chp 16

A little conversation

Rose's POV

I sighed joyfully for once. I break was what I needed but I didn't need it to last long enough to the point that I get clueless when it's time for reality to hit.

I sucked in my left cheek before pushing the coach away and Asnath quickly came to help.

I bet Jung was going to give her a problem for not actually attending training and stuff like that so I would have to think of a good excuse to save her ass.

"You think Jung will hurt you?" I signed to her after we had successfully put the coach in place.

Unfortunately in my uncaring opinion we would have stayed here until next year but we had to keep on moving forward in other words I had to go to School even if I really didn't want to leave for that hell hole.

I didn't want father and Jung bothering me.

Asnath beamed at me with a cigarette hanging in her mouth as she took a deep drag then slowly letting it out whilst shaking her head to answer my question.

"I will be fine Rose.'' she murmured "Although your room could use a good clean up don't you think?"

"Considering the fact that we are both very lazy then yes." I answered as I went to take my bag considering the fact that it was breakfast time so I would have to meet those motherfuckers downstairs.

With my final goodbyes at Asnath I slowly went down the stairs and as soon as I came into view everyone turned to look at me causing me to look at fancy house.

Not because I was sorry or feeling remorse for what I did but because I didn't want to look at their ugly faces.

Jung's ego was the size of Jupiter and he was an annoying thing. The twins were like two talking baboons that didn't know the concept of being quiet and Justin was a boring fuckboy and we'll Jonathan....

Jonathan was fine.

I sat down and almost immediately two slaves served me breakfast it was annoying because their boobs kept being seen on my face and I had to clench my hands on the table to avoid pushing them away.

Before I could even start chewing up my sasuage Jung decided to curse in Chinese before huffing as I looked at him for a second before looking down on my food again.

"Rose you fucking destroyed my papers." He said after he was done cursing "Do you know how much that took to re-do all over again."

I rolled my eyes at how he was being dramatic.

"And I've finally decided to ground you."

I arched a brow again because there was no way in hell I was going to do that.

"Am not recessive.... I am not a submissive. You cannot tell me what to do." I signed to him with my hands before raising an eyebrow at his twitching eye and for some reason his smile widened.

"Oh of course." He said looking at his nails with sassily "You are not, but there will be a punishment worthy of a unsubmissive person."

I just looked back at my food not missing Jonathan signing to me if I was ok. I nodded as the twins talked like teenagers which they probably were.

After a loud breakfast we left for School.

"You're going to have to do a lot to catch up." Justin said after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, we are now officially cheerleaders." Marcella said joyfully before looking at her manicured nails.

I shrugged before deciding to nod whenever they talked so that they think I was listening but I truly wasn't.

Once I arrived in School I sat down for a few minutes watching the twins walk up to some group of girls that I didn't know then Justin was walking to some jocks.


Seems like they socialize more than me in a way. I sighed heavily sitting until everyone was finally entering the school.

Once I was sure everyone was in. I left the car with the guard that sat there without as much as a sound.

I walked slowly to School not minding being late at all. I was halfway to class before freezing when I saw Him.

I froze for a minute as I watched him looking through his locker calmly and one hand holding a card that I suspect was a permission card.

I walked over silently until I was just standing next to him like a freak and as soon as I got closer I noticed he was wearing a glove whilst holding the card, his side view was not bad.

I noticed his brows were farrowed as he searched for whatever he was looking for. His hair perfectly done and clothes clean and ironed to perfection.

"Oh!" His voice was a little deep but not that deep "Um R-r-rose? r-r-rig-ght?" A blush stained his cheeks making me wonder why for a minute.

"Yes." I signed to him making his eyes widen and confusion to enter them making me notice that he doesn't speak sign language nor knows it.

"I-i um my name is Kevin." He said softly looking at his feet whilst kicking his left leg back and forth "I don't think I introduced myself when we first met."

I stared for a minute noticing his blush deepen. I simply nodded before leaving but after a couple of steps I stopped as he shouted.

"Wait!" I turned around slightly surprised but I guess it didn't show because he cleared his throat uncomfortably "It was nice seeing you!"

What a weird small conversation.

With that he quickly slammed his locker shut then ran and for what felt like ages a true smirk of amusement broke through my face as I watched him disappear.

I decided to finally go to class which was math. I just entered watching in seconds as students looked at me whilst the teacher turned red in anger.

"Why are you late?!" The sir or whatever said angrily making me roll my eyes. Ignoring him I went to the empty seat at the back and sat down.

The sir smirked evilly at me before turning to the board writing down some lame math problem before turning to face me.

"Since you're late, come and explain to everyone how to solve this."

I blinked slowly narrowing my eyes at him, luckily the math problem concerned finances, it was about loan options, believe it or not we all had a tutor about this problem because father said he could not deal with stupid kids that cannot count money. I stood up took the chalk from his hand. I might have not gone to School but am not stupid.

I turned around taking seconds to solve the problem which was mostly on finance before writing down the answer.

Name is Rose and jerk I ain't stupid.

I underlined it turning to find a wide eyed teacher. I rolled my eyes as I dropped the chalk in his hands.

If I didn't cause big troubles I was going to be a headache to both teachers and students.

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