Chp 17- An afternoon at the mall

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Chp 17

An afternoon at the mall.

Kevin's POV

"Ugh I just need to know the name of the book." I said trying to look intimidating but Mrs Smith was having none of it. She wanted to know things that don't even concern her.

"Why on Earth would you suddenly want to learn sign language?" She asked putting her hands on her hips sassily.

"Because I like learning new things." I said with a raised brow "It's creative."

"Wow Kevin." She said turning away and disappearing into the book shelves and my mind wondered to the morning I just had.

The way she looked at me curiosly and suspiciously. I couldn't believe I had said my first words to a girl since ever.

Girls in the orphanage ignored me and the only girls I had talked to was Katie and Karen but those two were simply kinda family and it was just weird developing a crush on one of them.

"Here is your book." Mrs Smith said as she gave me the book and I took it with a smile before I instantly looked for the signs she had done this morning.


It read and I smiled causing Mrs Smith to clear her throat and look at the sign language that had a translation under it.

"You smiling because of yes?" She mumbled confused "since when was yes something to smile about?"

"It's nothing." I mumbled watching disbelief enter her expression "It isn't I swear."

"I think it is something." She said and I shaked my head before throwing the book in my bag as I decided to converse with her on different things. Halfway through lunch time the twins had come inside the library and stole me away from a disapproving looking Mrs Smith who didn't seem to like the twins for some reason.

I pretended to be interested in their topics as I sat down in the cafeteria with them but truthfully I couldn't get what Rose did today in my mind.

She looked so innocent but in all honesty she was far from it.

Firstly she was just there looking at me then secondly she showed Mr Omar she wasn't stupid by solving his equation before giving him an evil smirk.

She had so many characters.

She looked bored and she even slept during math but she woke up as soon as the bell rang, for some reason I knew that she wasn't truly sleeping.

She looked innocent but she seemed to know when to defend herself whenever she faced problems and lastly she was always bored looking and that made me wonder what her true smile looked like. It made me wonder how she looked when she laughed or even talked but I guess she can't since she's using sign language.

I had to try to at least get a reaction out of her even if it was one, I can't believe I ran like an idiot. After weeks of not seeing her, she's finally here and I ran like an idiot.

At least she didn't laugh because I couldn't defend myself.

"Kevin!" I heard and I snapped from my thoughts as I took a deep breath.

"Yeah?" I questioned Kadet who looked kinda sad that I wasn't paying attention which made me feel guilty in a way.

Even though they are clingy they are trying to do everything to bond with me and it seems like I don't care.

"Sorry," I mumbled "I was thinking about next week's up coming test and I don't want to get horrible marks."

"You're a genius. You got this." Kadet responded but he seemed kinda detached and I flinched a little at how sad he truly looked.

"Do you still want to go the mall?" Kaden asked rubbing a hand on his brother's shoulders as a sign of comfort.

Not wanting to make them sad because of me I nodded "Sounds like fun."

"Cool." Kaden said brightly but Kadet seemed ytoo focused on the table and I frowned in worry but the bell rang and we had to separate ways and I silently vowed to make Kadet feel better.

Throughout the rest of my other classes I watched as Rose literally looked bored or have a far away look.

Although I did pay attention to what the teacher said.

After School I quickly went to Mrs Smith who smiled and wished me a good night before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

I went to the car finding Adam again who came to fetch us. My eyes quickly scanned every student in hopes of finding a bored expression but I found chatty and bright smiling faces that made me shrug in annoyance but I ignored that as I walked to the car and entering after using a tissue to open the car door.

"Please drop us off at the mall." Kadet said with a very low voice and I mentally groaned because I was the cause of the pain.

"You alright champ?" Adam asked worriedly.

"Yeah you've been very quiet today." Karen whispered looking at him over her shoulders and Kadet simply shook his head in answer.

"Ok." Adam said as he drove off not pushing his son for answers and once we arrived at the mall we got out leaving behind our school bags.

"Kadet am sorry." I mumbled once the car was gone "I know I barely listen to you but I have a lot in my mind and am new to socializing, you're not boring." I assured watching Kadet smile brightly then hug me unexpectedly before pulling away fastly.

"Sorry." He said shyly "Thank you Kevin.... for telling me that, I just really thought I was annoying."

"You're not." I assured.

"Yeah," Kaden said with a small satisfied laugh "Let's have ourselves some us time."

I smiled as the twins forced me to different malls and I noticed how they like shopping for childish toys and game station games.

In my opinion I didn't like how they were spending money but as long as they are smiling and not sad because of me.... I think everything will be fine.

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