Chp 31- My claim

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Chp 31

My claim.

Rose's POV

"My submissive?" I whispered which felt like I had wheezed out the words.

My throat felt dry and in need of water. I cringed my face a little trying to water up my throat. Kevin seemed to notice while he got out of his shock, nodding he left as I put my hand on my throat rubbing around it.

I haven't talked in years but I felt the need to talk to Kevin and the answer was pretty much simple and easy. The weird feeling I have been feeling was identified easily when during the week I had spent with him became more when he lasted in my thoughts more than he had to.

At first I thought it was just sexual and arousal desires that has been driving us both to do small things like cuddling. In fact that became a normal thing according to me at least.

The door opened and Kevin locked it before giving me a bottle of water which I took with a nod of my head as thanks.

I drank half of the bottle my throat feeling better.

"Submissive..." Kevin trailed pausing to look at his feet "As in I submit to you. Isn't that a little bit gender based?"

I almost snorted but instead decided to use sign language to rest my aching throat that felt rusted.

"It doesn't have to be."  I answered looking at the bottle of water in my hands.

"I want to be." He said quickly "It's just that.... Does it mean am the pet and you're the master?"

"Of..." I signed with a "course not. In my own world, you're my equal not in all things."

Kevin looked confused before sighing.

"Ok." He said making me beam. Putting the bottle of water down I took the bracelet from my wrist before standing up walking in front of him.

"O.....k?" I asked watching him frown before blushing but he nodded as I climbed on his lap inserting the bracelet when he showed me his wrist.

The necklace was pure black with a touch of triangles in yellow. Running a hand through his hair, I put my face on his neck inhaling for a moment before deciding on giving him a hickey.

Kevin the innocent pup that he is, tightened his hands on my waist. I could sense his confusion but now he was trying hard not to make sounds which satisfied me.

After licking and sucking on the same spot I pulled away, standing up as well catching a heavy breathing Kevin and according to the tent on his pants.

I did a good job.

Chucking silently knowing he couldn't hear me I smiled instead.

"Now you're mine, my submissive and claim." I said watching Kevin smile shakily just as the door was knocked on hard enough that hulk could be on the other side.

"Fuck." Kevin cursed "Coming!!"

"Open this door!!" A voice roared "Or I'II break it open."

"You have to..." I cut Kevin off with a kiss on the cheek.

"S...e...e." I finished off "you soon."

He nodded just as another voice barked out "Kevin! Are you listening?!"

Kevin sighed like he was tired before entering his bed sheets just as I left through the window hearing the door break and Kevin asking in exhaustion what their problems was.

I regret not bringing a jacket because it was really cold. I walked faster home and when I arrived noticing the lights were on, I knew just like Kevin shit would break loose but nevertheless I entered finding everyone awake.

"Rose," Justin began "Where were you dressed like that?"

"It's fucking cold." Marcella whined like the brat that she is sometimes.

I raised a brow walking to my room when Jung decided to be an extrovert and speak bullshit.

"You're not selling your body? Right......"

I rolled my eyes and continued till I was in my room locking the door with a yawn.

Hah mine.


My claim, therefore no one else will try to take him away without facing me. I wasn't that possessive but Kevin had stayed longer with me.

Most men gave up before they could even try and Kevin had patiently waited.

Grabbing my phone I dialed Mr Boss.

"Yes?" He answered in a voice that screamed...'You better not shame me.'

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything because a. He knew it's me and b. He understood.

"Good." With that he dropped the call just as I dropped on the bed getting under my covers actually thankful about my ability to suffer when in Chances of speaking.

Kevin had a lot he needed to learn too.

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