Chp 14- A little break

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Chp 14

A little break.

Rose's POV

"Rose!" I heard the shout and silently huffed.

Just great.

The twins were as loud that I could hear them from my room. I didn't know whether I should be happy or sad.

I just sat there for a minute and right on que my bedroom door burst open and I was facing two angry twins an irritated Justin. A bored looking Jonathan and annoyed Jung.

"Really?" Marcella scoffed crossing her arms around her boobs "You left us and told the guard not to fetch us because that's apparently what we wanted."

"That's not important." Jung said with an eye roll "You actually did drew our mark."

I blinked and said nothing at all. I didn't deny it because it was the truth to even began with and also because I was tired and wasn't in the mood to use my hands to sign communicate to any of them.

"Well," Justin said after I didn't say anything "My legs hurt, I walked all the way to this house. Today I didn't even bring my bike."

Jonathan was not even looking at me if anything he was looking at the ceiling totally uninterested in the topic or the fact that I was being annoyed and invaded by my so called family.

"Say something." Cella said clearly frustrated "or sign something."

"Look Rose." Jung said "The fact that you drew our mark on some school wall isn't considered safe since firstly we don't know which branch or rank is here, yet here you are looking at us like an innocent bunny but in all honesty you just a trouble maker."

"The fact that you did that....." Justin trailed breathing heavily "father would be highly disappointed in you just like we are."

"The other things such as constipation pills do not even count for one second or the fact that you painted the walls." Cella said sassily "The mark is an important thing that must be a secret no matter what."

"Behave Rose!!" The twins, Justin and Jung shouted before turning around and storming out in my room.

I narrowed my eyes angrily. One thing I hated was being told what I should do.... how dare they tell me to behave.

Am not some animal that needed to be controlled.

"Rose?" Jonathan asked making me snap out of whatever dream of killing those four fools "It's ok you know."

I shrugged as I heard him get nearer the sofa and he sat down carefully but in an acceptable distance.

"I heard the noise yesterday. Something tells me you didn't even sleep considering the black bags under your eyes." He mumbled "are you ok?"

I nodded with a tired sigh. Felt like I was going to have a mental breakdown all over again.

"Am here for you." He murmured "Silence may be good for the soul sometimes but it's also a sign of help or rather a call. Get some rest, I will send one of the slaves to come and deliver food for you."

I smiled softly with heavy lids watching as Jonathan smile wider before he stood up and left.

I bit the inside of my cheek once I was certain he had left. I couldn't believe they came in here and told me to behave.

I don't tell them how or what they should do at all. Am so annoyed now and I want to do something to teach them that they shouldn't tell me shit.

I stood up and left my room instantly went to the twins's room which was very white and pink. Everything was so sparkly and girly.

Am sure they wouldn't want anything to happen to their shit. With a sigh I went and threw everything around, their makeups and brushes.

Once everything was messy to my satisfaction I went to Justin's room. Took a pair of scissors I found on his desk then I cut his clothes including his duvets.

In Jung's room since he was a special little thing. I collected his sleeping duvets including all the important files that am sure he's been working on them for awhile and burned them.

I left Jonathan's room alone. I went to my room calling Asnath quickly to come over before the others noticed the fire.

Asnath showed up in a minute and although I wasn't in the mood I signed to her to collect a lot of food supplies and to come inside the window.

She nodded and I locked the door and even pushed the sofa over the door so they don't burst in.

I sat on the bed as I scrolled through a various of movies on Netflix.

"Rose!" I heard Jung snap with anger and I smirked because he found my gift for him "Bitch! Do you know what you've done!!"

I shrugged carelessly with an eye roll.

That's what they get for telling me what to do. Normally I didn't care but they all know that I don't like instructions yet they went ahead and told me what I should fucking do.

I heard a tap on the window as I ignored the voices outside the room. I went and peeked through finding Asnath with a collection of bags that looked rather heavy considering the fact that my room was a little higher and she could fall.

I took them in and helped her enter before shutting the window. When she heard the curses and screams of my siblings she smirked at me.

"You did something..." Her voice trailed jokingly "That must have been serious enough to piss off Jung like that. He's normally calm and bored."

I rolled my eyes as I dug my hands in the checkers.

I just wanted to sleep and take a little break from the world.

Maybe for a few weeks.

Once things get overwhelming a little break from the Earth can help you get the positive radiation and some smiles.

"It's a few documents."

"Well, what do you want to do in the meantime?" She asked "I will stay with you."

"A little break." I signed over to her watching her nod in understanding.

Dedicated this chapter to a song named You don't own me by grace and G-eazy
(It explains how Rose feels about her siblings telling her what to do.)

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