Chp 35- "Too much....."

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Chp 35

"Too much....."

Rose's POV

I grumbled under my breath as I saw no Kevin yet again. It has been a whole good two weeks and Kevin hasn't come to School. I had decided to give him some time to think about what we had talked about or rather what my straight blunt forward ass had said without a single consideration of how he might take this.

Where was he?

For some reason I felt ghosted and thrown under the bus but that was a shame and a simple wish that would never happen even if he wished to.

I claimed him already that bracelet means something and not even the police could stop it nor cancel it unless I said it was over.

I rolled my eyes at my dramatic ass. I haven't been to his house at night like I used to but today I would get a chance to go. I waited with pure boredom not even paying attention.

It didn't add up though. Kevin is so obsessed with good grades so much he was shaking a little after not attending a few periods for a couple of hours. He was determined to get perfect grades unlike me who definitely saw School as a huge unwanted burden that no one should bare but nevertheless we saw things differently.

My lips have been cold and dry, my arms and body felt cold without a Kevin to shyly be his sweet sub self. As soon as the bell rang I was the first to leave, nearly forgetting my books on top of my desk.

Sighing through my nose I went to the cafeteria deciding to pass through Kevin's locker only to find Mrs Smith wiping her tears irregardless that the hallway was full and students were looking at her weirdly but didn't comment nor make a move to ask what's wrong.

Ah life, no one cares.

I walked there when it was empty.

"Ok?, Kevin dear call me." She was whispering in the phone clutching her chest so much I thought she might open her ribcage and tear out her own heart.

I waited to get noticed which I did after a couple of minutes. Mrs Smith instantly become stiff before bowing her head and taking both her index finger and crossing them at her chest to represent loyalty and submission to me.

"Where is he?" She whispered softly.

I shrugged my shoulders trying not to show my own worry and fear through my eyes and body posture.

I sighed instead leaving and patting her shoulders before going to sit with my siblings even though I wanted to smack the shit out of them for no reason.

Marcella was on her phone and Justin looking at everyone slowly while Cella simply watched me then surprised me by smirking.

I raised an eyebrow but didn't comment.

"She's checking me out." Justin boosted pointing a finger at some girl I didn't bother checking because I can "let me work my magic." With that said fuck boy stood up fixing his jacket and walking over there with a smirk.

Marcella whined before standing up claiming to get my food.

"I'm so sick of you being annoying." Cella suddenly said making me frown a little before shrugging.

"Look at you pretending you are not confused, you are so annoying, always being dad's favorite girl even though you're just..... You're just super annoying. All a sister asks to spent time with you." She said for some reason I felt like she was teasing me. I looked at her at the corner of my eye and said nothing.

"Don't worry soon you'll be able to react." She giggled while standing up "you albino stupid bitch."

I was stunned and hurt just a little bit but only a little bit not that much as I watched her walking away. I breathed through my nose to contain my anger.

Kevin was gone and I'm frustrated and insulted by a sub. 

Taking my bag I left the cafeteria leaving the school and walking straight to Kevin's house and finding it silent. I entered the best way I knew how ignoring a few people that looked at me like I was mad or rather lost my own mind and threw it away.

Once I was inside Kevin's room I was touched by the cold environment. As if the window had been open like that for days even the bedroom door was open.

I sneered.

Tigers? They wouldn't dare think of taking what's mine but that thought flew out of my mind as I saw a bag on the floor. I walked around ignoring the pain and looked at his laptop for clues only to find it unlocked and a search of his parents that I killed there. Not caring about those assholes I took the bag quickly when I heard footsteps.

It was clear Kevin tried leaving, this room is dirty and Kevin was obsessed with clean environments this room was dusty. I jumped out and took off running to the rich estate with the bag. Ignoring the guards and servants that bowed when I passed through going to my room before Jung pressed his noise in my business.

Closing and locking the door thankful that Asnath has not been in there I searched through the bag after wearing gloves and I saw it.

A board about the death of Adam and my family concerning cobras.

How did he find that out?

Oh yeah.... Nevermind.

I went through his search on the tigers more though seeing how he noticed that the twins are dominant. Smirking proudly I searched my phone and dialing Reiner.

"I need your help." I managed to whisper without being slow. This was an emergency anyway and I would need the help if I wanted to find him.

It's clear he was taken.

"You talked!" Reiner gasped making me roll my eyes "I mean yeah text me."

I dropped the call.

Hold on. I'm coming for you.

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