Chp 22- Order

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Chp 22


Rose's POV

"This would look really good." Asnath said with joy but I just wanted to go back to the series I was watching unfortunately I had absolutely no choice irregardless of being a dominant female.

After every month... our father-Xavier- video calls us together stuck in one room to represent 'sibling hood' but in all honesty it felt like a formal business meeting that had interviews in all corners.

"Am not wearing a dress" I signed resisting to cringe.


Who even wears that?

I have no problem with people wearing them, it's just that dresses don't define me in a way. It's like am stuck in some sort of saggy huge brown bag. The designs might be breathtaking but it still didn't change how I viewed them.

"Well, what are you going to wear?" She asked with an arched brow and I pointed at my casual denim jeans and tuck in white shirt, of course Asnath responded with a bored eyeroll "This person is not a friend."

"I look fine. Am wearing something ain't I?" I signed.

What's with people and dress code?

It's not like am naked and holding a knife.

I can dress however I wanted and that was fine too. It's all about being comfortable. 

"This man is your father and ruler. Jung is probably going to wear a suit." Asnath pointed out "You have to dress to impress."

"No." I simply signed looking at the ceiling in boredom.

"Gosh you're so hard-headed, gets difficult to tell you to do something." She said just as a knock came through.

Asnath immediately stood up faster than lighting and ran to my walk in closet because the fool that knocked wasn't waiting for a simple "come in." Or "who is it?" Instead the twisted my door handle and I made a quick reminder to myself to keep the door locked.

Jung stood before me in a formal navy suit and perfectly jelled hair.

"Rose, of course you are not wearing formally..." He trailed looking at my room like he smelled a prey "Everyone is in the lounge, dad is on the TV."

"So he's acting?" I asked with an eye roll making Jung smirk slowly which kinda made me narrow my eyes at him.

This guy was always an unpredictable human. He's done things that make me want to serve him those two eyeballs he was watching me with. He is usually cold and distant even though he dines with us.

Even though he sees us everyday who is to say whatever he is telling us is true?

Only a liar know when they lie.

"Rose, are you going to change?" He asked making me blink slowly before I finally decided to walk to the door which was still opened.

I stood there whilst taping my feet to show my impatience and to show him I wasn't going to change my clothes.

What am wearing is perfectly fine.

Jung looked around the room again and for a second I felt suspicious.

Did he know Asnath was here...

Oh that wouldn't be good at all.

I waited a minute watching as he scanned the room again before coming
at the door and smirking at me as he passed through.

I closed my door giving Asnath the perfect time to escape.

I watched Jung as he fixed his tie.


I wonder how Kevin would look all formal, maybe in black.... hair a mess though....

When we arrived at the lounge everyone was sitting on the big couch dressed like business woman and men.

The twins were wearing a big red dresses and hair perfectly flowing in curly waves on the shoulders. The boys all wore the same thing Jung wore.

I rolled my eyes this time and walked I the middle of the group as they all stood up. Jung was busy connecting something whilst we all stood in perfect line.

Soon the screen showed father's name as our call went through. Jung came and joined us.

After a couple of minutes, a face came into perfect view. A face I knew too well.

He was very muscular, stronger than Jung, faster than Jonathan, more mischievous than Justin, more fashionable than the twins.

He was a combination of all of us, he was the one who taught us most of our roles. Among all of us Jung was taller, more quicker.

Jonathan came in second place then me with Justin following then the twins.

"Good afternoon father." We all said in perfect union as the man behind the screen, the man who was currently in his company smiled almost lovingly. And by "we." I meant Everyone except me.

"Good afternoon, you may sit down." He instructed with a deep voice that was absolutely laced with boldness and we obeyed "Which place have you chosen to stay in?"

Even though he asked.

I had a feeling he already knew.

He just wanted to play dumb.

"Cliffs." Jung answered receiving a nod.

"Ah my precious Rose." Dad said "Still not going to wear a dress?"

I wanted to slap him, instead I shook my head.

"Well, you're all going to School with the exception of Jonathan and Jung. I want to see how you all perform in that School. I have been to Cliffs before and it's not that bad. Sweet little unnoticed town." He said and we kept quiet because this is the part where he controls us yet again. He instructs us on what to do instead of asking how we are and if we are adapting.

"So.... you might receive a mission soon. There is a branch of mine there. Be careful, that town barely has crimes coming in."

"Yes father." We said like we are singing a chorus. It felt so robotic.

"Good." He clapped his hand "Remember your roles. Don't you dare disappoint me." With that said the screen turned blank black.

Of course.


Fucking order.

That's all he cared about.

How things should be done and how.

This was the life of a Mafia. Order.

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