Chp 11- Unexpected surprise

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Lady beautiful Smith aboveeee :-)

Chp 11

Unexpected surprise.

Kevin's POV

"Come on Karen." Kaden scoffed with an eye roll "We don't wanna be late."

"Am coming Mr Bossy pants!!" Was her response.

I shook my head slowly. Today I had suggested to walk to School since Nemesis was busy with her work which would give me time to walk to School without being judged by new family but the twins insisted on following.

"So kev my dude." Kadet said with a wide confident smile "Today we are passing by the mall. Was hoping you could come along and have lunch with us."

"That's a great idea." Katie said with a nod.

The twins as usual we're dressed in matching red shirts and black ripped jeans whilst Katie wore a grey Lacy dress that was complimented by her navy blue heels with her hair in a ponytail.

I was about to answer but Karen was coming down the stairs with a grin as she took her time to shake her waist like she was modelling for us.

"Are you serious?!" Kaden asked as he tugged his bag on his shoulders.

"You don't appreciate fashion." Karen said sounding bored "But it's fine. Let's go."

As we started walking I mentally hoped that the twins forgot about their little request. I wanted to actually find more on my secret case that nobody knew about.

Not even Mrs Smith.

"So what do you say?" Kaden asked after a minute of walking in silence "About the mall thing."

I mentally cursed scientifically before smiling at them slowly.

"Sure," I mumbled "Why not?"

"What about us?" Karen asked "You didn't ask us."

"It's a bro thing." Kaden assured "You would not understand."

I let them argue about girls being better than boys. My mind purely blank until we reached the School.

I said my goodbyes to everyone not knowing if they wanted to leave or not but they just gave me a look before following me inside.

I sighed quietly because I was hoping for some time alone. It's weird having four people stick to you like glue.

As soon as we entered my eyes almost fell to the floor and I quickly looked at everyone to make sure I saw the right thing and according to their dropped jaw and eyes flickering to each other curiosily I wasn't the only one who saw it.

The walls were painted in rainbow colours literally. Lockers were now pink but what really caught my eye was the knife graffiti that had a cobra near it. The cobra was all over the knife like it couldn't resist being attached to it.

It was a well detailed graffiti and the cobra had white eyes for some unknown reason. It's body in beautiful triangle shapes.

"Well...." Katie said with a nervous laugh "We should really get going. Kevin you should go to the library dear... you don't want to mess yo your schedule."

Before I could respond they were all walking away and I frowned at the way they suddenly left but shrugged as I went to the library only to find Mrs Smith dancing around with books in her hand.

"Well," I said causing her to almost jump ten six foot high "You're happy."

"Yes!" She hissed but happily.

"Why?" I murmured with a raised eyebrow.

"There's finally someone who ruined those ugly walls." She said laughing causing me to look at her with disbelief "Whaaaaat? It was so boring here. No student caused anything interesting until now."

"Who did it then?" I asked as I tapped my leg on the floor with a bored sigh.

"Someone." She said nervously before clearing her throat "Anyway how's the new family going?"

I raised a brow slowly.

"You know who did it?" I asked instead ignoring her first question.

"Nope." She answered avoiding my gaze and I decided to let it slide for now.

"Fine." I said "The family is getting clingy. I don't think I will call them family yet anyways."

"Understandable." She answered with a nod.

We just talked until I left to my first class which was accounting. As expected I was early and as soon as the students entered the class my eyes went on a search but it didn't find what it was looking for.

It didn't find those purple eyes.

I shrugged my shoulders as I listened to the teacher.

It's not like she's something important to me. I only saw her yesterday, her looks are definitely beautiful and maybe that's what I wanted to see because apparently the eyes liked beautiful things.

During my every class I didn't see her at all. I noted yesterday that she has classes with me but she was nowhere to be seen.

I sighed ignoring the terrible paint that was currently being repainted on by the painters that I didn't know where they came from.

The cobra graffiti was taken away too.

During Lunchtime I went to my locker ignoring the impatience and curiosity that burned through me.

I sighed heavily but that turned into a gasp as I fell on the floor and when I turned around to find out who it was.

I saw a bully that hasn't bothered me in awhile.

His brown hair wild. Hi s muscles twitching as he raised his fist with a smirk on his face.

"Well, I haven't seen you in awhile. My homework missed you dearly."


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