Chp 15- Silence

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Chp 15


Kevin's POV

I scratched the back of my neck softly as I looked at the School.

Hopefully there won't be any mess like the last time. The twins were kinda embarrassed including the girls concerning yesterday.

As soon as Nemesis dropped as off they left like dogs on heat and they didn't look back.

I sighed as I walked to Mrs Smith in the library. I didn't think I had enough energy to face Rose after what happened.

This is the very first time I thought of first impressions to people because knowing myself I wouldn't even care what would happen at all.

I bet no guy wants a girl to see them getting beaten especially if you have the acceptable height including a look that can turn into intimation.

"Morning." I greeted Mrs Smith when I entered the library.

"Hey." She greeted back as she arched her neck.

"Well today there ain't anymore paint hopefully no constipated students." I said as I put my bag down going to help her with organizing the books.

Mrs Smith snorted before laughing loud and proud "Such a shame."

"The twins including the girls won't even look at me."

"Well, embarrassment isn't something you could quickly get over." She said making me remember what had happened just yesterday.

I shivered before changing the topic as to forget. Of course I was still on going with my mission but I currently was on a stuck truck.

"So did you find any new lover as of yet?" I asked watching her shake her head slowly.

"I've been on this dating app." She told me "It isn't that amazing so far and I immediately left it after a week or so. Not because I wasn't getting any interesting dates but because I can't trust anything the person behind that screen is saying. It could be a pedophile trying to get laid or someone with an unhealthy obsession. I think I just want to remain single."

I nodded in understanding "Am sure the right guy is out there just for you."

"Speaking of dating...." She trailed wiggling her eyebrows at me "What's happening with you? Huh? You have never dated since birth!" She said dramatically making me roll my eyes.

"I just haven't found the one ok?" I mumbled avoiding her contact "The girls here are not really that interesting."

"What's your definition of interesting?"

"Well, different." I said making her roll her eyes in irritation.

"That's what all the guys say to their girlfriends." She said "It's stupid."

"Am sure I will find someone soon." I murmured thinking of a particular purple eyed girl.

I didn't know what I could do to connect the dots to my secret case though because the internet didn't have much info about what's going on in fact it didn't even state something useful about the forensic evidence that were found.

But it's just like all the cases. It only offers the basic information but not enough evidence since they don't want to shook people with the found crime scene.

That only resulted to me getting hungrier for the truth.

What truly happened though?

On my first period I went to class early and because I was a curious thing. I searched for a certain girl that I just had to know if they were laughing at me with their eyes but nothing at all.

I shrugged knowing that maybe she bunked the class and didn't want to come by.

Second class






Seven classes later, I didn't see any purple eyes. I only saw blue, brown and green but no purple eyed girl.

I shrugged, it's only for today anyways.

The twins avoided me again but the girls started talking to me almost immediately.

I let the twins be and savoured the freedom I got whilst they were still sulking and embarrassed about what had happened yesterday.

I did my homeworks when I arrived at home and returned on the case only to be stuck on purely nothing at all.

The next day she wasn't there. I was just hopeful I guess, I mean I only saw her twice. Both pleasant and unpleasant experiences.

But one week turned to two then three weeks later she still wasn't there. I was kinda getting worried because her family was here.

I saw the green eyed boy with billion tattoos flirt with girls whilst the twins caught on fame but she wasn't there.

"Well, Kev" Kadet said because after the first week he got over his shame "You look like you searching for someone."

I shrugged as I looked on to the students that floated the place some quickly hurrying to go home as we waited for Nemesis.

"No am not." I shook my head probably thinking she's going to be back soon.

She has to. It's been awhile.

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