Chp 33- The real fun begins

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Chp 33

The real fun begins.

Rose's POV

I watched Kevin breath heavily as sweat ran down from his forehead to his eye socket making me smirk, he looked like he was about to actually faint.

Deciding it was enough, I called him over and he came to me with shaking legs. Honestly I don't want this done and sub relationship and we are definitely not going to have one.

The thought of telling him what to do was dramatic and unwanted because I was feeling like I was controlling him.

"" He asked smirking proudly making me roll my eyes a bit.

I gestured to my head at the door. Kevin followed after taking a bottle of water and we left the gym but of course I got him a card for access whenever he can.

I still remember the day he was scared out of his wits at a bully that he couldn't even throw words around and unfortunately I wanted that to change with immediate effect.

I walked him home then walked back home myself and as soon as I got the Jung was screaming.

"Rosee!." He barked "Today was father's Meeting with his children and you were not there."

I forgot to mention that Jung was hell on bent to please father. The rest of the siblings just watched me with disapproval eyes as if I cared.

"So?" I asked in sign language before going for the stairs.

"You of all people should know that there are different authorities." Marcella said making me glance at her over my shoulder.

"Father was disappointed as he actually seemed to look just for you." Cella said making me roll my eyes. He just wanted to send me to some lame mission again that was so uncomfortable.

"He said he will talk to you at 5." I checked the time at the wall, the vintage watch read 4:30 and I just shook my head and went to my room where I cracked my knuckles at the eyeful watch of Asnath who raised an eyebrow with interest.

"Haven't seen you in forever." She mumbled as I took my seat at the chair opening my laptop to do some interesting research.

To answer Asnath I shrugged my shoulders hearing a sign then it was silence for a whole thirty minutes but I already had enough research about these two special individuals and according to what they did being alive was far from being ok.

My dad's face showed up a minute later and I answered the call unwillingly watching from behind my shoulders to find a sleeping Asnath.

My dad was in a black suit, his expression angry but he managed to smile.

Oh as if I cared.

"Rose love." He started making me yawn "You weren't present."

Not there." I corrected before setting the paper work I found down.

"Oh well I have another mission." He said not even trying to be sweet like before instead he became straight forward.

"I will be sending it via SMS." He said making me nod "oh and Rose darling, have you found someone? If so I have a right to meet them don't you think?"

"Mmmh." I hummed unaware making his eyes widen a minute.

"Your voice always suppresses those of angels." He chuckled before dropping the call just like that.


I stood up from my chair and waved the documents I found before looking at Asnath walking towards him to shake her awake which she protested to for awhile, her face twitching with her lip in a disappointment frown.

Waiting for her to come out of sleep land, which took a minute but when her eyes came to focus I smirked at her.

"Rose?" She asked confused making me smile even more "Ok you're creeping me out. IT didn't take over your body right? You're not a clown."

I smacked her at the back of her neck making her chuckle a little before rolling her eyes.

"I have a fun idea for tonight." I said.

"What?" She asked covering her hand to yawn before leaving the bed to the bathroom where I heard the sink water turn out just a minute later.v

I went to her so she could hear me speak instead of saying it out loud. Only Kevin gets to hear me speak.

"I love the color red and it would look so yummy with brains." I signed watching her eyes widen before she laughed.

"You want to kill someone?" Asnath signed to me "like right now?"


"But it's only 5:20 pm. That's a little bit early don't you think?"

"I want red, you can stay here then." I signed rolling my eyes.

"No!" She almost screamed making me chuckle "am in."

"Then let the fun begin." I signed watching as Asnath put on clothes of a stripper.

"What? Wearing lingerie is hot." She said fixing her hair quickly in the mirror.

"Shut up, just get ready." I said making Asnath laugh before going back to fix her outfit.

I on the other hand didn't need much, my fist and legs were enough.

I want red.

Let the real fun begin, I thought as I applied a red lipstick on my lips leaving with the same outfit I wore with Kevin to the gym along side Asnath.

Time for the real fun to begin.

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