Chp 38- Saved

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Chp 38


Kevin's POV

I tapped my feet on the floor swallowing down my fear, the twins would be here soon and I couldn't just mate them like that. I was already uncomfortable but who would come to rescue me absolutely no one would that's the problem.

I swallowed when I heard footsteps approaching the door making me sweat already even though I wasn't in an environment that wasn't hot nor cold. I watched the door open with the twins coming in bath ropes and something poking through their lower regions.

Fear.... Great fear came over me as I tried to think of something... Absolutely anything.

I definitely didn't want my first time like this.

"Ready?" Kadet asked looking at me. I nervously chuckled before shaking my head no.

"I.... I haven't decided." I managed.

"Doesn't matter." Kaden snapped but someone cleared their throat making both the twins to turn their heads towards the sound.

"Eeeww" Cella groaned in disgust "You guys have been holding it in huh?"

"What do you want?!" Kaden snapped sounding irritated.

"Put away your Lil dicks. Cobras are here." She said while shaking her head "Wonder how they found out so quickly and fast too. Did Kevin's old room get checked? Or cleaned?"

The twins blinked slowly before shaking their heads making Cella groan.

"You guys are idiots, that's why they are here. Rose came in the room while you was busy checking out Kevin through your lame cameras and thinking of your dicks!"

"Watch your tone!" Kadet hissed before they all left the room making my body relax in relief and joy as well before what Cella said sank in deep.

I sighed thinking of Rose did she really come through or was that some kind of sick joke. I suddenly heard shouting, groans and gun shots which made me flinch and try to cover my ears but that was a really stupid thing to do in such a situation.

This lasted for a couple of long minutes. I couldn't tell I barely had my watch. Sighing I looked around the place then I cried.

I found out my parents are dead, I was starved for the two days, I was left behind in my school work, i didn't even want to be involved in this shit. No one even cared to ask me if I was doing ok with the situation. It all didn't matter. My stomach even growled in the middle of my tear session just as the door flew open with Rose looking around with wild eyes.

I swallowed looking at her, she's beautiful literally she came forward and hugged me which I responded with. I noted to chew her out on all of this later, I actually missed her.

"Missed." She said and I nodded back.

I missed her too. 

Everyone else came in and I mean her family the people I saw on the pictures on my secret research. I didn't look at any of them either until Rose broke my hug and suddenly I was hugged by a woman who after my confusion realized was Mrs Smith who I hugged back.

"Shit!!!" She shouted so loud the words echoed and I saw the popular tattooed laugh "my sweet baby, my child!! I made those assholes pay. You are officially living with me." She ranted making me laugh a bit before I looked at everyone freezing when I saw the other twin or it could be her.... Cella.

Rose was busy kissing my cheek while Mrs Smith harrassed me by patting my cheek.

"You..." I raised my hand at the twin making everyone freeze "You're one of the tigers aren't you?" My throat hurt and I felt dizzy saying those words hurt.

"What?" She stumbled over her words looking close to tears "Not me."

"A twin for a twin." I smiled " A sub for a sub."

                                       To be continued..

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