Chapter Six

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The screen in front of me sat still for, well, I couldn't say how long. I tried to work but my mind was preoccupied with a certain blonde beauty. Even her adorable awkwardness and sometimes shy nature made a smile appear on my lips. Not to mention, what happened two nights ago. I bit my lip thinking back to that night, I hadn't seen her since. Work was kicking my ass, Jazz and I had a deadline to meet for this new contract for a modeling company. Speaking of which, I'm supposed to be editing, not daydreaming.

"Pics are taken care of and I just sent the last of the models back. How's editing?" Jazz spoke as she walked in.

"Almost done." I replied with my eyes on my screen, but not actually doing anything.

"Char," I met her eyes. "You need to focus."

"I know, I know. Sorry."

"Look, think of it this way. The faster you finish, the faster both of us get to see our lovers." She winked and wiggled her brows.

Chuckling at her behavior, I went back to work. She wasn't wrong, I did want to go over there soon. So, pushing Logan away for now, I resumed my work.

"I saw you and Amy kissing." My best friend broke the momentary silence.

I sighed and glanced at her. "She kissed me. You know I'm not going back there."

"Here's a thought, punch her next time." Jazz commented with a shrug.

I bit my lip and looked down. "I panicked.

"Fine, call me next time she comes around."

"I will." I chuckled and went back to work.

Stepping into The Friendly Bean, the strong scent of caffeine filled my nostrils. My eyes scanned the cozy place for a certain blonde, frowning when I didn't see her anywhere. Jazz and I walked up to Luke who worked behind the counter.

"Hey, handsome." Jazz greeted her new 'lover' as she called him.

I involuntarily rolled my eyes at the heart eyes Luke gave her.

"Where's Logan?" I blurted out.

He laughed and shrugged. "Not sure. Hey, Chloe? Where's Logan?"

"She said something about having a hot date." Chloe answered as she took the order from Luke.

I felt my stomach twist, my heart speeding up at the news. Hot date? She's dating? Not wanting to show my disappointment openly, I turned and walked out of the cafe. I knew we weren't together, but the thought stung a lot more than anticipated.

Why did I believe that night meant more? Ugh, too many feelings too soon.

"Char, are you okay?" Jazz asked as she followed me.

"I'm great." I said through clenched teeth. "Perfect."

"I'm sure it's probably not what you think. She's proabby with a friend." Jazz tried to reason.

"Chloe said date. You know what, fuck it. I'm going to finish up the editing." I briskly walked into the studio.


The following days I made sure to avoid the cafe. I either brought my coffee from home or sent Jazz over. I felt bad because it meant avoiding John too, but I was in no way ready to face Logan. It had been a week since we slept together and insecurity kept my mind wandering. Everything about that girl captivated me. Consumed by lust, I acted like a woman in heat for her.

The front door opening snapped me out of my day dreaming.

"Hello?" Logan's soft voice graced my ears.

I hesitated for a split second before getting up when she came further in. "Hey."

She frowned before giving me a cute yet nervous smile. "John sent lunch." She raised her hands to show the brown bag.

"Thanks." I made no effort to take the lunch from her, opting to fold my arms across my chest.

"Um, I was wondering, if maybe y-you would like go out?" She asked, placing the food down. "Oh um, with me, I mean."

Though angry for whatever reason, I internally swooned at her adorable stuttering. "I'd like to, but my schedule is kinda packed right now." I half lied, not wanting to hurt her feelings with blatant rejection.

"Oh." She frowned. "O-okay. It doesn't have to be now. J-just whenever you have time. I can wait."

I pursed my lips and nodded slowly. "Okay, sure."

With slow steps back, Logan bid me goodbye and left.

I had no business being this butt hurt.


Jazz and I were binge watching Friends for the nth time. Random junk food and snacks were everywhere. I was still sulking over Logan. You would think it was an actual relationship with the way I was acting. Was the dick really that good? Yes, yes it was.

"You really need to stop. You weren't even this bad off when you and Amy broke up. And you were with her for two years." Jazz complained. "She really fucked you good, huh?" She teased.

"Shut up. It's not even about that. Don't get me wrong, it was amazing. But it's just something about her." I sighed. "This is stupid. She's practically a stranger."

"Sorry, Char. So, how big is she?" She smirked.

I laughed at her bluntness. "Wouldn't you like to know." I smirked back.

"Bitch." She laughed. "I almost forgot, John invited us to the cafe for dinner tomorrow night. And before you say no, think again. By avoiding Logan, you've been punishing him too. He's been really welcoming since we got here and doesn't deserve that."

I sighed, knowing she was right. "I'll be there."

"Good. He's closing the cafe early. Apparently it's a special dinner. Didn't say what for." She checked something on her phone.

"Okay." I replied, distracted by Joey doing lunges with Chandler's clothes on.

"Hey, I'm gonna go. Luke wants to hang out. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I need to call Mom and Dad anyway."

After Jazz left, I called my parents and talked for about an hour before going to bed. We caught up on each other's life since I left, obviously leaving out the part about Logan. The only solace I had about moving away was the fact that they were just one town over. Jazz and I wanted to expand our business and this was a bigger town. Being closer to the city which was where we got most of our work. Both of us refused to actually move to the city since we preferred the life a town offered.

I laid wide awake in bed. Not for the first time, the thought of Logan's arms around me came to mind. This is so stupid. I turned and twisted until I slipped into a restless sleep.


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