Chapter Twenty Three

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It's been two days since I got Char back. I took her to the doctor to get checked out and physically, she was okay. The baby was too. Although emotionally she was distant. She barely talked to me or anyone really, and Jazz had to handle to studio alone. I tried giving her space but not too much. Wanting to be close but not smother her. Michael was in prison now, John and his friends took care of it.

I went into the room to find her laying on her side, staring out the window. "Hey, baby." I kept my voice soft. "I need to go to John's for a bit, an hour tops. Jazz just got here. Is that okay?" She shrugged without looking at me. I knelt beside the bed, gently stroked her cheek and leaned in. I gave her a soft but brief kiss on her forehead. "I love you."

She didn't answer. I tried not to let it hurt, but it did. I understood though. She was hurting.


"Hey, what did you need me for?" I asked as I entered John's living room. He recently hired two new workers at the cafe so I could be with Char.

"Ah, you're here." He reached for some papers from his coffee table and gave them to me. "Read it."

I furrowed my brows but complied. My eyes widened as I read what it said. "Y-you're giving me 'The Friendly Bean'?" I asked dumbfounded.

He smiled at me. "Yeah, I'm getting old and you have a baby on the way." He shrugged.

"John, you're only forty five." I deadpanned.

He chuckled and looked over when mom walked in. She sat near him as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Look sweetheart, I made enough money from racing and the cafe to live comfortably with your mom. It's yours now." He stated. "I also talked to those in charge at the track. You can continue racing from time to time, if you feel like it. It's up to you."

I looked at the documents. "What about Luke?"

"Luke is taking over his dad's car rental business eventually. Besides, the cafe was always going to be yours someday."

"Mom, you're okay with this? The racing and everything?"

She sighed and looked at me. "I'm not happy about it completely but John said you'll be in good hands. Whatever makes you happy, Logan."

I nodded, taking it all in. "Thank you, John. Not just for this," I motioned to papers in my hands. "But for everything you've done." I said sincerely.

"Don't mention it, sweetheart."

"Okay, now I know you have money saved up." Mom smiled, excitedly. "You have a baby on the way, and you need a house."

I laughed at her enthusiasm. "Mom, I do have money but not enough for a house."

"Don't worry about that." John cut in. "There's a house a few houses down, it's for sale. It's yours if you and Char want it."

"Okay. Hold up." I stood. "That is definitely too much. No way." I shook my head.

"Too bad. It's already done." He stood too, challenging me.

I furrowed my brows. Was he seriously trying to intimidate me into letting him buy me a house? "John, look-"

"Lucky for you, I know what Char wants in a house." Mom cut in. "It's going be great. A nice surprise for her. She deserves it, Logan." Mom said, smiling.

I looked between the both of them and sighed in defeat. So I now owned the cafe and was about to own a house. "Okay, fine."

"Good. We'll see it and fix it up to her liking." Mom clapped her hands together. Her excitement was contagious.

"Should I really surprise her with a house though?" I asked.

Do girls like that?

"Yes. It's going to be great." My mom seemed to happy for me to refuse.


I walked into the apartment smiling, excited to tell my girl about the cafe. I wasn't sure if she would be alright with the racing so if she said no, it was no. The house would be a surprise. I was about to enter the room when Jazz existed.

"Hey, talk to her." She slightly smiled.

Confused, I went it. I was even more confused when I saw her packing. I froze, trying not to panick. "Baby, what's going on?"

She didn't look at me as she continued. "I'm going to my parents for a while."

Okay, now I was panicking. "Oh, for how long?" I sat on the bed.

She shrugged and answered shortly. "Not sure."

I swallowed. "Do you want me to come with you?" I asked, my voice hopeful.

Char paused briefly before continuing. "No, that's fine." She hadn't look at me yet.

"Can I drop you off then?" I pushed, still hopeful.

"No, Jazz is doing that." She zipped her suitcase up and took another out. "She's also staying with me for a few days. You're welcome to stay here for however long, if you want."

Two suitcases. That's two too much. I sat, looking at my hands as I slightly bounced in my place. I was beginning to worry.

"You're pregnant." I said quietly.

"I'm aware of that." Her voice hard now. Was she mad at me?

"I want to be there for you and the baby. Not just for part of it but for it all." I continued.

She zipped up this suitcase. "I'm coming back, Logan. I just need some time. I'm not taking your kid away." Her voice softened.

I got up and took the suitcases and followed her out. Silently, I walked behind her and Jazz. I placed them in the truck and stood back. I wanted to tell her no and that she couldn't leave me, but I couldn't do that. She just needed some time away and then she'd be back.

Yeah, that's it.

"We'll talk when I get back." She stood in front of me.

I looked at the brunette. "You're not going to talk to me while you're gone?" I asked sadly. My sensitive ass was on the verge of tears.

She sighed and nodded. "We will, Logan." She leaned up and kissed my jaw. She couldn't reach further than that, something I loved.

"Okay." I swallowed the knot in my throat.

She needed comfort from the people closest to her. Was it selfish that I wanted it to be me and not them? She and Jazz got in and drove off. Leaving me and my shattered heart alone.

So much for telling her about everything.

I walked back into the building, dragging my feet as I did. I packed my stuff as quickly as I could. I wasn't going to stay here without her.


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