Chapter Thirty Eight

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I glanced away from my babies to Char at the dinner table. Her eyes were on her laptop but the fact that she hadn't even moved for about half an hour, told me her mind was elsewhere. I was waiting for her to ask me to talk again, but that hadn't happened since I refused a cup of tea she offered me two days ago.

I eyed the way her figure had decreased, she barely ate now and I heard her cry every single night I've been back. I wasn't trying to be mean to her, but didn't have it in me to crawl back to her the instant she called. I only wanted her to feel an ounce of what I felt when she broke up with me.

It didn't make me happy, knowing she wasn't happy or that she only gave birth two months ago and I haven't seen a smile on her face for over half of that. Sure, she seemed happy with our twins and laughed when they smiled or kicked their little feet, but that was it.

I wondered if she was tired of trying to talk about us. In her defense, I didn't make it easy on her. I ignored her, barely looked at her and ran whenever she came near. I felt bad when I came home that night and saw the dinner. I knew Char didn't make it but I reigned in my giddy heart at her attempt.

Char's chest lifted, stilled, then relaxed. Her hand came up and fluffed her brown hair, eyes closing momentarily before she shut the laptop. I averted my eyes to our babies when she looked our way.

My heart picked up when she walked towards us, hesitating at the archway of the living room entrance. I pretended to be busy with River's kicking feet, his brother sound asleep.

"Logan?" She called softly and I mentally planned on an excuse to avoid.

"Sup?" I asked and spared a quick glance at her, I didn't miss the hurt expression.

She blinked, shocked. "Can-"

"John invited everyone over tonight. Are you going?" I cut her off, already knowing the answer.

Char sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Yeah. Logan, I wanted to-"

Ryan stirred awake, a cry belting out soon after. His loud cries disturbing River and soon, both of them were hurting my eardrums. Char came and picked up Ryan, River was already in my arms. I waited until she sat and moments later, Ryan was nursing. River kept refusing the bottle I tried to give him, legs kicking in anger.

I put it down and walked back to Char. "He doesn't want the bottle."

"Bring him." She motioned for me to put him in her other arm.

I kept my eyes away from her breasts, her now bigger and rounder breasts. When both babies were happily nursing, I sat away and waited. I smiled when Charlotte kept whispering softly to them and I could tell they were enjoying whatever she said.

"Can you take Ryan? He's asleep." She said with a brief glance at me.

I went to them, bending and mistakenly going too close to those bigger, rounder breasts. My cheeks tinted red and I stumbled back. Without looking up, I carefully took my son and walked to the crib we had in the living room.

I sped walked out of there and to the backyard.


I picked up two muffins and placed them on my plate. I dropped a scone, a chocolate croissant and a donut on there too. Looking around, I saw everyone sitting in the living room of John's house. Char wasn't here but our babies were busy with my mom.

I went to the front porch and sat down. I enjoyed my plate and set my gaze out to the dark night. I could hear laughter inside, talk about Luke and Jazz's pregnancy. Talk about my babies and my Mom and John.

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