Chapter Nineteen

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Screaming woke me up. I pulled my blanket closer and curled into a ball. It was happening again. Another scream came, then another. I covered my ears trying to block it out. Tears streamed down my face and I scrambled off the bed when I heard footsteps approaching. The door slammed against the wall...

I bolted up from the bed, sweat covering my entire body. I struggled to calm my erratic breathing as I shook my head. I flopped back down and waited for my heart rate to slow down, only to bolt up again when I realised Charlotte wasn't with me. She always slept on me. My eyes scanned the roomed to find it empty. Stumbling out of the bed panicked, I checked the bathroom. It was empty.

Fuck, where is she?!

I ran out into the living room and she wasn't there, but then I heard a noise in the kitchen. I beelined towards the sound and let out a breath of relief. I placed my forehead against the wall to regain control of my body.

A smile graced my lips at the adorable sight. Her short self was trying to reach the top shelf which had the cookies. She was jumping up, her fist trying and failing to grab the pack. It was only 3am so I guess she had a craving.

"Damn, my girl is short." I teased, leaning casually against the counter.

She jumped and turned around. "Am not." She pouted. "Instead of standing there, come help me asshole." She whined.

Chuckling, I went over to her and easily took down the cookies. She went to take it but I held it up. She glared at me before reaching for it again.

"What, can't reach?" I teased.

Char pouted again and folded her arms as she grumbled. "I'm pregnant and you're being mean."

Laughing, I lowered my hand and gave them to her. "Here you go, grumpy."

She took them and placed them on the counter. Turning back to me, she gave me a seductive look. "I'm not hungry for that anymore."

"Oh, yeah?" I raised a curious eyebrow at her.


Char jumped up and my hands grabbed her ass as she wrapped her legs around me. Her eyes held a playful glint as she leaned in to capture my lips. She moaned when I plunged my tongue into her mouth without warning. I started towards our room but she pulled back.

"No, right here." The brunette breathed.

I looked at the counter, then back at her. Lips stuck between her teeth as she watched me. "Like here as in the kitchen counter?" I asked and she nodded.

I swiftly turned us around and placed my girl on the counter. Connecting my lips with her neck, I placed open mouth kisses using my tongue to taste and tease. I stopped only to pull her shirt and underwear off before attacking her breasts. I ran my fingers through her wet pussy lips, intentionally avoiding her clit.

"Logan, don't fucking tease me." She got out between moans.

I snickered against her chest before making my way down her body. Char was leaning back on her elbows, legs spread wide for me. "So fucking wet for me." I murmured right above her slit.

"No, get up here." She said, pulling me up and whispering against my lips . "I want you in me."

I hesitated then, I thought she just wanted to get off. "Is that safe?" I asked, giving her a doubtful look.

"Yes. Now put it in." She whined, already tugging down my sweats.

With both my sweats and boxer now off, she grabbed my dick. Stroking slow but with a firm grip. I grunted and leaned into her as she fastened her pace. My head was buried in her neck, my hips rocked along with her strokes.

"Fuck, stop." I took her hand off and tugged her forward by the hip.

Pushing her legs upward into her chest, her back hit the counter as I held her in position. I had a clear view of her pussy. I slid my dick through her fold, making sure to hit her clit.

"Mhmmm. Put it in." Her hand reached down, rubbing her clit. Fuck, that's hot.

Coated with her juices, I easily slid in. We both looked down as my cock entered and re-entered her core. Something about watching the way she took me, made me even more turned on.

"Fuck, you feel good." I grunted with a slow pace. I didn't want to rush.

"Baby, faster....I need more." Char moaned out.

I shook my head, glancing at her briefly before looking back down. "I don't want to hurt you." I was dying to fuck her into oblivion.

"Y-you won't. Logan, p-please....shit that feels good."

My resolve was gone, I held her tighter in place and pounded. Her entire body shook with my thrusts.

"Baby," I grunted in pleasure.

"Harder....fuck me harder...ahh."

I threw her legs over my shoulder and held her thighs. "You're a horny one, huh?" Our skin slapped together.

"Yes....f-fuck yes....that's i-it...right there...I'm cumming, I'm cumming."

"Cum for me."

Charlotte's walls clamped down on my cock. The feeling of her cumming was enough to send me over, my cum shooting into her pussy.

"Mhmm. I love how that feels." She moaned and giggled.

I put her legs down and helped her up. "No wonder you're pregnant." I smirked, my arms around her body.

She placed her arms around my neck and kissed me. "Shut up. Take me to bed." She demanded.

"We got lucky with Luke and Jazz being gone." I said, picking my girl up.

"Wait, the cookies." She quickly grabbed them.


"It was busy this morning." John casually leaned against the counter.

"Yeah." I answered, not really paying attention.

"You sure you're good with me and your mom?" He asked.

A few days ago they both told me about them. Apparently they'd been together for a while now and she was moving in with him. I already knew one of those things.

"I never had a problem with that, John. I just want her healed and happy." I said seriously. "She's happy with you and on her way to a full recovery. What more could I want?" I gave him a genuine smile.

"Thank you, sweetheart." He had a happy smile on.

I thought for a moment. "Has she ever told you about my sperm donor?"

He chuckled amusedly. "Sperm donor, huh?"

I shrugged. "He wasn't much of anything else."

I heard him sigh and took me in. "She mentioned him, yes, but she doesn't like talking about him."


His brows shot up. "Any reason why you asked."

"No, none." I said nonchalantly.

He walked closer and made me look at him, his tone warm but firm. "I know I may not be blood, but you're my family. Your mom, Luke, Chloe and you. You're the family I could've only dreamt of. I'm always going it be here. For anything."

I swallowed the knot in my throat, replying with the same warmth. "I know. You've been like a father to me and I appreciate that more than you'll ever know."

John pulled me into a warm embrace, much like a father would do. At least what I thought it would feel like. I had nothing to compare it with.

"Oh, and Logan?"


"Make sure to tell your mom you knocked Char up." He pulled back and patted my shoulder. Leaving me with wide eyes.


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