Chapter Thirty

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Hey, sexy." Her annoying voice said.

"Do not call me that." I snapped.

She cocked her head to the side, a smirk on. "You've changed. It's a more alluring change."

I visibly cringed at her words. "Look, either you order something or get out."

She tsked and smiled. "One large cup of you to go, please."

I glared at her. "Leave."

She chuckled annoyingly. "Okay, okay. A French vanilla coffee please. Oh, and just to let you know. I came back for you. I was young and stupid but now I know what I really want. Which is you." She pointed to me. "I won't stop until I get you." She turned and left. I guess she didn't want that coffee.

"Who was that?" Macy asked.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance at the sight of the retreating figure. For the last three weeks, she'd come by and flirt.

"Nobody important."

"You had sex with her." She stated casually.

"What! Of course not, I would never do that to Char." I said appalled.

She gave me a weird look. "Well, I know that, dummy. I meant in the past."

"Oh. Well, yeah. We sorta had a friend with benefits thing." I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Her name's Julie."

"She seems like trouble. Stay away from her, Logan." Macy said, somewhat demanding.

I pointed to myself. "You're telling me what to do?"

She narrowed her eyes. "Yes, because that girl has been flirting like it's her second language and you are too damn nice to say anything." She looked out the window. "Does your girlfriend know?"

My eyes widened. "N-no. She uh, she'll hurt me. She gets a bit jealous." I rocked back and forth on my feet.

Macy threw her hands up and walked away.

I pouted and went back to work.

I was half an hour late to pick Char up. Luke, Jazz, Chloe and Skylar were all going to the carnival with us tonight. I stayed back to close since the other workers had been working double lately. Most of my time was given to Char.

I pulled into the driveway and hurriedly got out. "Twenty minutes!" I shouted and ran upstairs.

Twenty minutes later I ran back down. Char was still sitting on the couch reading.

"You look good." She looked me up and down.

I already knew what she was thinking so I shook my head. "No, we don't have time for a quicky."

She rolled her eyes and got up. "We would've, if you weren't late."

I shamelessly stared at her ass, pouting. "Later, baby."


We were walking around playing games and eating junk. Everyone but Char and I, went on the rides. I was happy enough holding her hand, people watching.

"We haven't talked about names yet."

I looked down at her. "I like Micah. It works for both genders." I thought about some names. "Ryan, Amber, Lilly, Everly, Bailey. Oh, and Mackenzie. Those are just some."

"You've clearly thought about it." She laughed.

"Of course. What about you?"

"Hmm, Ben, Haven, Shawn, Shay, Aiden."

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