Chapter Thirty Seven

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I silently watched through the window facing the backyard. Logan laid on her stomach with the twins, the fluffy blanket under them giving comfort.

She'd been back a few days and spent all of her time with our babies. Logan gave them their baths, she changed them and she put them to sleep. I only got them to feed and I was rarely woken up at night to cater to their needs. The blonde was first to do so, acting so attentive that I almost thought she didn't sleep at all.

That thought was pushed away after I got up one night and saw her with them. She slept on one end of the bed in the spare bedroom, pillows stacked on the other end while our babies laid in the middle. I was tempted to join them, but I have been given the cold shoulder since then.

Every time I tried to talk to the tall girl, tried to apologise, she'd say something to excuse herself. It wasn't for lack of effort on my part, I did try a lot. If I asked to talk while our twins slept, Logan said she needed to check on the cafe quickly and be back. If I asked for five minutes, she'd say she needed to make a call.

I got frustrated and yelled out an apology one day on her way out, the twins were at her Mom's and she was going to the gym. Logan turned, gave me a confused expression and shrugged. She said she held nothing against me and we were fine. We were taking care of our babies together and that was all that mattered.

Moving away from the window, I went back to my laptop. I wasn't back at work yet, but I liked keeping up to date. A knock on the front door disturbed my focus and when I opened it, Jazz stood there with her hands full.

She walked past me and placed the bags on the kitchen counter. "I have everything you'll need here. Are you sure you don't want help? You're not exactly the best in the kitchen."

I laughed and shook my head. "Logan's mom is coming over to help in a bit. It's been a while since Logan had her cooking and she's going to show me how to make her favourite."

Jazz and I moved to the couch, a sigh of frustration leaving me. I rubbed my temples and leaned my head back.

"Where are they?"

With my eyes closed, I pointed at the backyard. "Outside. They're probably asleep now, but they like being outside and Logan likes watching them sleep."

"Did you guys talk yet?" Jazz asked and I felt the couch move as she adjusted herself.

I grunted. "No. I barely get two words in before she walks out. Hopefully I do better tonight." I sat up and twisted to face my friend. "Another problem. You said you don't want to work with Amy after this contract is finished. We need someone to take up my responsibility while I'm on leave and I don't want you overdoing it since you're pregnant now."

Jazz had agreed to work with Amy, that was her choice since things happened quickly and we weren't able to find someone else. I wasn't the one having to deal with her and I still wanted to be at home with the twins. We'd need to hire at least two more to help out.

"I've been looking and I think I have a few potential photographers. I just don't want her around anymore since you and Logan have enough problems right now."

I got up when I heard Logan coming in, excusing myself. Walking to help with them, I found her with two sleeping bundles nestled snugly in her arms. Logan silently let me take Ryan from her, following me up to put them in their nursery.

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