Chapter Thirty One

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Char was still asleep when I woke up. I took a few minutes to be a creep and fawn over her. My pregnant girlfriend slept peacefully, still naked from our session last night. It amazed me how much she could go, despite being this pregnant. With twins! She was a horny little thing.

I carefully got out of the bed and did my morning routine. She deserved breakfast in bed. I made her waffles, eggs and bacon, some strawberries on the side. A cup of juice which she hated because it wasn't coffee. It was a near miracle I made it to our room with everything still in place. I put it on the bed side table, contemplating how to wake her.

The brunette laid on her side snuggled into a pillow. I started by placing kisses from her calves, up her legs, to her right ass cheek. I kept going up her ribs, to her shoulder until I reached her face.

"Wake up, pretty girl." I whispered into her ear. I was rewarded with a groan. I nibbled on her ear, "your food is getting cold. My babies are hungry." I said in between kisses.

"Fuck off." She blindly swatted me away.

"You say the sweetest things to me." I kept kissing her.

Char peeked an eye open. "What did you make me?" Her sleepy voice asked.

"Your favourite."

I helped her up and placed the tray next to her, watching as she devoured the food within minutes. I had a stupid smile on my face, placing kisses on her round stomach every now and then.

"Thank you, baby."

"Anything for you." I kissed her cheek. "Do you need help in the shower?"

Char shook her head. "I got it."

"Are you sure?"

She rolled her eyes as I helped her out of the bed. "I'm not made of glass, blondie."

"Blondie?" I questioned.

She ignored me and went into the bathroom.

"Wait, are you calling me dumb?" I asked through the closed door.

"I love you!"


We were cuddled up on the couch when a knock on the door interrupted our peace. Who could be here this late?

"Tell them to go away." Char groaned.

I untangled myself from her. "Okay, baby."

I opened the door to a crying Jazz.

"Sorry, but I need to talk to Char."

I moved to the side, letting her in. "Are you okay?" I asked, worried.

She gave a weak smile and went to Char. I went to the backyard to give them some privacy. I sat on the porch swing, looking around. I really liked living here. It was a good neighbourhood to raise kids and marriage had been on my mind lately. I wanted to ask Char before the babies were born and I already bought the ring. I finally had someone who loved me as much as I loved them.

My phone buzzed and I checked it to see a text from Luke.

Imma be a daddy tooooo.

I immediately knew he was drunk. I went back inside to see Char comforting Jazz in a tight embrace.

"He freaked out, didn't he?" I asked softly.

Jazz looked up, sniffing. "Yeah. He said he wasn't ready."

"Don't worry, he'll come around. He was always scared of having kids, but I know he'll do right by you." I tried to assure her.

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