Chapter Four

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I slumped against the counter, already done with this day and it was only nine am. It had been two weeks since we all had dinner together and I barely saw Charlotte. Jazz would be the one to come get their coffee or lunch, and I tried not to think about the green eyed girl. I mean, I didn't even know the woman. That little weird ache was ever so present though. I started thinking about my Mom then, she was a little better. That was something to be thankful for. Once she beat this, I could finally bring her home and we'd be a proper family.

"Table three." Chloe handed me an order of coffee.

Forcing all thoughts away, I continued with my work. It wasn't all that busy today, but then again it was still early. The door bellrang and when I looked up, Charlotte and some girl walked in. They sat at a seat near the window. The girl had a fade haircut, with a short sleeved shirt on that showed her muscular arms. She looked kinda like a Ruby Rose look alike, just without the tattoos.

"Guess that answers whether she's gay or not." I heard Chloe mutter.

I brought my attention to her. "You think they're together?"

"Well, they're holding hands." She pointed out.

My eyes drifted to the table where their hands were clasped together. I felt a burn in my chest and a feeling I couldn't place passed through me. I shook that thought away, realising I had to take their orders. Walking over, I plastered on a smile.

"Welcome to The Friendly Bean. What can I getcha?" I asked, pen and notepad in hand.

Charlotte's gaze snapped up to me, but I kept mine on the girl.

"Just a regular black coffee, no sugar or cream. Thanks." The girl replied.

I then turned to Charlotte. "The usual?"

She only nodded, giving me a look I couldn't place.

About an hour later, I watched as they both got up to leave. Charlotte glanced at me and gave me a weak smile as she left, I forced one back.

"Whoa." Luke said as he approached me.

"What?" I asked slightly annoyed.

He nodded his head outside. When I saw what he was referring to, that same burn in my chest made another appearance. That girl had her hands around Charlotte while hers stayed by her sides, lips locked. The kiss didn't last long but it was enough to make me feel like a mess. This was stupid, I had no reason to feel like this. We were friends, barely even that. I already knew she wouldn't be into me, it wasn't in my cards. I was a freak and an outsider.

"Good for her." I mumbled and went back to work.


"You can leave now, Logan." John said, wiping down the counters.

I thanked him, not wasting a second in preparing to leave. I said my goodbyes and made my way out. Walking on the sidewalk, I nearly bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said and kept walking with my head still down.

"Logan!" A familiar voice called out.

Letting a breath out, I turned around. "Hey."

"Where are you going?" Charlotte tilted her head, making her look even more adorable.

"Um, out." I answered shortly.

She frowned, but before she could say something Jazz came out behind her. "You ready? Oh, hey Logan. We were just coming to see you guys." Jazz spoke up cheerfully.

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