Chapter Two

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"Logan. Can you go drop these off next door?"

I gave John a puzzled look. "Next door?" Last I checked, it was an empty building.

"The girls I introduced you to yesterday. Go on now." He lifted his filled hands towards me.

I took the two lunches in one hand, and the coffees in the other before I carefully walked next door. I placed my back to the front door and pushed to enter, struggling not to throw anything down.

"Hello?" I called out as I stood in the empty reception area.

Charlotte came around the corner moments after, her head peeking out at first. "Hey." She looked at the items in my hands, her eyes widening. "Oh, I told John to call me for these." She said as she took the lunches then reached for the coffees, but I pulled it back.

"I'll help you. It's hot." I mumbled.

She smiled. "This way."

I followed her in and placed the coffee on a table in the studio. I looked around, in awe of what they did to the place. "This is awesome." I mumbled.

She chuckled lightly. "Thank you."

I smiled as I looked at her. Man, she's beautiful. "Well, enjoy your lunch." I turned to leave.

"Char, I'm hungry." I heard Jasmine say as she entered. "Oh, hey Logan." I gave a small wave. "Did you bring the lunch?"

I nodded and pointed to the table. I said a quick 'bye' and speed walked out of there.


Walking up to the reception, I smiled at the lady. I did the usual signing in then walked down the familiar hall. Reaching the door, I took a deep breath before knocking and slowly entered.

She looked so small and fragile laying there. I quietly sat in the chair near the bed to not scare her. I picked up her hand in mine, brought it to my lips and kissed it. The gesture made her stir as her eyes fluttered open.

"Hey, Mom." I said in a whisper.

"My baby." She weakly reached for my face with a boney hand. "You're here."

"I'm sorry I couldn't be here yesterday. I promise to come by more often." I felt bad for even missing a day. I was lucky John always understood and gave me time off to be here.

"It's okay, baby." She smiled.

I spent almost three hours with her before going back to work, sulking as I walked back. My heart broke every time I left her, wishing I could take her pain away and give my Mom the happiness she deserved. I just had to be patient a little longer and she'd be fine. Please, be fine Mom.

With my head still down, I walked into the cafe. It was now five, so we'd be close next hour or so.

"You look like someone ran you over." That melodic voice said.

I looked up and was met with sea green eyes. Then I realised, everyone had their eyes on me. John, Jasmine and Luke. I could feel my face heating up at the unwanted attention.

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