Chapter Thirty Four

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Two boy. Two beautiful baby boys. Ryan and River Matthews. They slept peacefully, cuddled into each other and it was the most heart warming sight. Char stayed in the hospital for two weeks after giving birth. The doctor wanted to be certain that the three of them were alright. We've been home three days now and I couldn't get enough. Whether they were asleep or not, I needed them close. Char thought I was obsessed. She was probably right.

I sat in the rocking chair, gazing at them. I didn't want to miss a thing. Although, they barely did anything. They just cried, ate, sleep and shit. They got Char's sea green eyes and there was a bit of blonde peeking from their heads. They didn't look like much, honestly. But still the most beautiful little creatures. Maybe I was biased.

Of course everyone else thought so too. Mom couldn't get enough and came over almost everyday. John calls them his grandsons, which I was more than okay with.

"Are you going to keep watching them?" Char's sleepy voice asked from the doorway.

I reached out a hand for her, the one that wasn't broken.

Yes, she broke my hand while in labour

"Yes, I am."

She sat on my lap and together we gushed over our babies.

"How long before we can have sex?" I blurted out.

She smacked my chest, laughing. "No time soon."

I pouted which made her laugh more. "Fine. I'll just cuddled you until you can't take it anymore." I held her tighter.

"I can never get enough of your cuddles." She pecked my lips.

I puckered them for more which she happily gave.

"I'm sorry about your hand." She took my broken hand in hers.

"Are you really?" I asked skeptically.

Char chuckled and shook her head. "No, I guess not."

"Hmm. Gimme kisses."


I was about to get in the shower when I heard my phone go off downstairs.

"Babe, can you get that?"

"Yeah." I heard her call back.

I showered and got changed. On my way downstairs, I checked on the twins. They slept in the same position as always. Their little fists tucked under their chins, cuddled into each other. I gave both a little peck, then ran down the stairs.

I found Charlotte sitting by the kitchen counter, my phone in her hands.

"Who was it?" I asked while getting a bottled water.

She didn't answer and kept looking down.


She eventually looked up, her eyes filled with unshed tears and I frowned at the sight.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I reached out for her but she moved away.

"How long?" She asked barely audible.

I furrowed my brows. "How long what?"

She pushed the phone closer to me. Still confused, I looked at it. My eyes widened and my heartbeat increased tremendously. Pictures of me and Julie from the bar were on my screen. The angle in which they were taken, looked intimate. Her hand around my shoulders, when she kissed my neck and then my lips. Then they were pictures outside the cafe, when she threw herself at me. The other pictures were of us outside the cafe that one night she stopped by.

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