Chapter Five

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The kiss started out slow and sweet, eventually turning more aggressive and passionate. Charlotte's tongue swiped across my bottom lip asking for entrance, I gave her what she wanted. I was so into the kiss, I didn't even realise what was happening. We were kissing. While our tongue danced in a perfect dance, Char started grinding on me. I could feel my dick slowly growing, I deepened the kiss by grabbing her neck to bring her closer. I was rewarded by her moaning, hips grinding harder.

"W-wait, I have to s-say something." I broke the heated kiss.

"Hmm?" She hummed. "Say what?"

"I Uh, well, most girls...have that," I stammered out.

"You?" Charlotte waited for a proper answer. "Are you trying to tell me about this?" She rolled her hips.

I choked back a moan and nodded frantically. "H-how?"

"You wear fitted jeans. You don't exactly hide and I have eyes." She smirked.

I looked down with a blush, the jeans were me trying to accept myself. "You're not freaked out?"

"Nope. It's sexy." She resumed our forgotten kissing.

Breaking the kiss I whispered against her lips. "If we don't stop now, I'll lose control and take you right here." My voice came out ragged and hoarse.

She bit my lip, slightly pulling it. "Would that be so bad?"

Our eyes connected, I looked for doubt and was pleased to find none. Just to be sure I still asked. "Are you sure?"

She nodded. "I'm sure."

Placing my hands under Charlotte's thighs, I picked her up and carried us to my room. Her hands wrapped around my neck as she giggled. "Where are we going?"

I grinned. "You're a bed kinda girl."

Entering the room, I gently placed her on the bed. I joined our lips once more, my hands on either side of her head as hers were wrapped around me. I felt her tug on my shirt and I broke our kiss to remove it.

"Strip everything while you're at it." She demanded.

I obeyed, taking everything off but my boxers. She was about to remove hers, but I stopped her. I wanted to do that. I slowly took her shirt off, gently kissing her neck and chest. My lips explored her upper body as I removed her bra. Leaning back, I gazed at her breasts. I wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked but kept it in. Bending down, I took a nipple in my mouth and gently sucked the tender flesh. My tongue swirled around her areola before taking her nipple again. My right hand massaged her left breast while my mouth gave her other the attention it deserved. Her moaning only enhanced my hunger for her. I switched breasts, repeating the same actions as her back arched into me. Her hands pulled my head closer to her perfectly perky breasts.

I went to unbutton Char's pants when I stopped and looked at her. She nodded, giving her consent. I pulled off her pants and thong in one swift move. I couldn't help it this time as my eyes rested on her most intimate area.

"You're so beautiful, Charlotte." I whispered.

Her blush aroused me as captured her lips again, my hands kneading her breasts. I wanted to make her feel good. I kissed from her jaw to her neck, sucking at her collar bone.

"Logan, more....please." Her hips bucked up.

"More what, baby? What do you want?" I asked, nibbling her ear.

"You." Came her whimper.

I kissed down the brunette's stomach and settled between her legs, taking turns kissing and sucking at her inner thighs. Now in front of her pussy, I could see how wet she was. Her juices were already dripping which went right down to my dick. Without warning, I licked the length of her pussy. Delicious. Charlotte moaned harder than before at the contact. One taste of her and I was already addicted. My tongue found her pulsating clit, circling it as she writhed on the bed. Her hips bucking against me, I covered her with my mouth and lapped up her juices. Placing my hands around her hips to keep her steady, my tongue entered her.

"Oh, f-fuck, Logan. Faster."

And faster I went.

I thrusted in her as I felt her walls clenching around my tongue. When I knew she was close, I entered her with two fingers, setting a fast pace. It didn't take Char long to cum in my mouth. She let out a loud, delicious moan as she did. I licked up her juices before crawling back up to her. She immediately pulled me in for a hungry kiss, moaning as she tasted herself.

I groaned, feeling her hands grab my dick through my boxers and slowly stroking. "Take it off" she begged.

Pulling back, I took it off hastily. My dick slapped against my stomach, pre cum dripping. Her eyes were glued to it as she motioned for me to come back to her. I settled between her legs which were spread wider for me. Kissing once again, her hands stroked me, eventually gaining pace.

"I wanna be inside you." I croaked out.

"Do it." The brunette encouraged.

"Wait, let me just-"

"No. I'm on the pill. I want to feel all of you."

I'd never had someone raw before.

Charlotte took my cock and lined me up to her pussy. I slowly pushed in, careful not to hurt her. Once I was all the way in, I waited for her to adjust.

"Oh, fuck." I moaned, looking at her when she breathlessly giggled.

"I think that's the first time I heard you curse. Now move."

Keeping my pace slow and even at first, we got into a rhythm. Charlotte's legs wrapped around my waist, her hip thrusting back.

"Fuck....Faster....fuck me harder." She moaned in my ear.

With my head buried in her neck, I complied. Setting a faster and harder pace, I pounded into her. I felt her walls clench around me and I thrusted harder. As she came with my name on her lips, I focused on not coming just yet. I wanted to make her come again. My thrusts slowed down helping to ride out her orgasm.

I kissed her hard and aggressively, biting and pulling her lip, sucking her tongue. I flipped the green eyed girl over on her hands and knees as I hovered over her. "I know you're tired but just one more. Okay, baby?"

She nodded.

With her ass up and head down, I pulled her hips to me. Plunging into her, I wasn't slow this time. I went hard and fast, pounding her tight pussy. Her moans bounced off the walls, eventually turning into screams of pleasure. It didn't take long for my orgasm to build since I was already on edge.

"Cum for me again, Char. Cum with me." I grunted.

"Oh, yeah...r-right t-there. Don't s-stop." She cried out.

Her walls contracted, milking me dry. The feeling of coming in her pussy was something I could get used to. My strokes slowed down. Still in her, I slumped against her on the bed.

"That was-"

"Fucking amazing." She giggled.

I rolled off of her, laying on my back to look over at the shorter woman. She was already looking at me with a small smile.

After getting up and cleaning myself up in the bathroom, I cleaned her and laid back down. Char's head now rested on my chest as one of my hands soothingly caressed her back.

"You sure it doesn't bother you?" I asked softly as to not disturb our peace.

"What do you mean?" She asked in the same tone I did.


She lifted her head, resting her chin on my stomach and gazed up at me. She studied me for a moment before saying, "You know, I felt drawn to you the very first time I saw you. I had this desire to know everything I could about you. It's silly, I know. Everything I learnt so far, only has me aching to know more." She leaned up and gave me a tender kiss. "Stop doubting yourself, Logan."

I didn't know what to say to that, so I just held onto her. I felt comfort I hadn't felt in so long. The only other person capable of doing that was my Mom, albeit a different kind of comfort but still.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face that night. With Charlotte in my arms.


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