Chapter Eleven

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Tonight's race was more challenging than last time. Hawk was relentless, but he still wasn't good enough. The guy's temper desperately needed controlling. Arriving at the cafe, I got to the garage. I parked my all black Ducati monster next to my black and red one. I wasn't stupid enough to race in the same one I rode around town in.

I pulled out of the garage after switching bikes, but before I could leave, I felt that chill again. Looking around, no one was in sight. Luke had left to get his girl, so I knew he wasn't around. I was starting to feel paranoid. I pulled off, making my way to my girlfriend. I smiled at the thought. She was mine.

I parked and made my way up to the apartment. Knocking on the door, I waited and was greeted by a frowning Char. I frowned back. "Don't look too happy to see me."

She rolled her eyes, walking away and leaving me to follow after closing the door behind me. I guess the lovebirds already left because the place seemed empty aside from us.

"Why are you always here after Luke? Don't you both go out together?" She asked, reaching her room and sitting on the bed.

"I wanted to check on the cafe and apartment, baby." I lied, feeling guilty but shoving it down.

"Uh huh." Char rolled her eyes.

With a smile, I leaned down and captured her lips in mine. "So much anger in this tiny body."

"I'm not angry. I like my person close." A pout and folded arms.

Lightly pushing her in a lying position, I hovered over her. "Luckily for both of us, so do I."

I kissed Char again and our tongues fought for dominance, which I let her win. She sucked on my tongue and I pulled her closer. Char flipped us, surprising me with her strength, and moved to a kneeling position on the floor. I sat up with my feet planted on the ground, watching as she unbuckled my jeans and tugged down. I lifted my hips to help take my clothes off, groaning when her small hand held my semi hard cock.

"Baby, you don't have to do that." I told her softly.

"I want to." She said, taking a lick of my shaft.

She started stroking slowly at first, her pace increasing as she bent her head. Her velvety tongue licked my tip before circling my head. I grunted as she engulfed me with her mouth, taking half in while her hand pumped the other half. My hands gripped the bed sheets firmly. It took everything in me not to fuck her face. My hips bucked into her mouth as she bobbed her head.

"That's it, baby. Fuck...fuck." I groaned.

"Mhmmm." She moaned around me.

The vibrations only increased my pleasure as she released me with pop. Looking me in my eyes, she licked the length of my dick. Repeating the action, then swallowing me again. This time, almost taking my entire dick in her mouth. She sucked harder, bringing me closer to my release.

"Fuck... baby, I-I'm cumming."

I thought she'd release me, but instead Charlotte brought her lips around my head, both her hands pumping my length. I moaned aloud when I came in her mouth, my cock twitching when she swallowed.

Smiling, she got up and discarded her clothes, a small show for me. Charlotte straddled me and rocked her hips against my still hard cock. Her wet pussy moving along my dick, building my excitement. I swiftly laid her on her back, slamming into her.

"Fuck, Logan." She moaned as I filled her.

I pounded into her. Leaning back, I opened her legs wider and watched as her tight pussy took me in and out. Her eyes were closed and head thrown back. Still relentlessly fucking her, I gripped her chin and kissed her. I sucked and nibbled on her neck, marking my territory.

"More....fuck me....shit harder." Her nails dug into my back, scratching. I'm sure she drew blood, but it only made me go harder. "Yes....right fuck me so good, baby."

Gripping her throat and squeezing slightly, I bit her bottom lip. "Yeah? You. Like. It. Rough?" I emphasized by slamming into her at each word.

She screamed out as she came, clenching so hard it became difficult to move freely. As her walls relaxed around me, I chased my high. Fucking her until I came, bringing her to another orgasm as I did.


The next morning, I woke alone. I got up, putting on my boxers and sports bra. I brushed my teeth before leaving the room in search of the brunette. I smelt something burning as I approached the kitchen. Furrowing my brows, I went towards the smell.

There stood my extremely sexy girlfriend, dressed in my shirt and her panties. The sight was both adorable and funny. While I was crazy about this girl, I couldn't lie. Char couldn't cook to save her life, but at least she tried. I laughed as she threw the burnt pancakes into the bin.

Looking up, she pouted. "It's not funny. I wanted to make you breakfast." She whined, stomping her foot on the ground.

I chuckled and walked to her. "I'll do it, baby." I made her sit and kissed her head.

I proceeded to make breakfast as we made light conversation.

"You don't work today, right?"

I flipped a pancake while simultaneously scrambling the eggs. "Nope. Sundays are John and Chloe's." I finished up and severed us both. "Um, I have to go see mom and she wants you to come." I said anxiously.

She looked up from her food. "Yeah?" I nodded. "What about you?" She smirked.

I smirked back. "Eat your food, shorty."

I laughed as she threw a piece of bacon at me.


I sat and watched as mom and Char talked. We were in the garden of the nursing home, Mom's request for fresh air. I looked up at the sky, it really was a beautiful day. Bright and sunny.

Char was laughing as mom told her stories from my childhood. I didn't mind the embarrassment, her laugh too melodious to make mom stop. My mom also enjoyed the conversation, so at least both of them were having a good time. Even if it was at my expense.

"Oh, my gosh." Char was laughing so hard that tears formed in her eyes. Mom was giggling next to her.

"What's so funny?" I asked amused.

"Why would you think pushing a girl down in the school yard would get her to like you?" Char asked, after her laughter ended.

"Hey! All the boys were doing it." I defended myself lamely.

"You should've seen her face when I came in." My mother laughed.

My heart swelled at the sight of them getting along.

We left mom after John came by. I still thought it was weird, the amount of time they were spending together. Don't get me wrong, he always visited, so did Luke and Chloe. It's just that recently, he was here everyday.

"Would it be so bad if they were?" Char asked as we got to my bike.

I shook my head. "No, not at all. He's had a thing for her since I was a kid. I'd just like to know."

I felt my paranoia kick in, that feeling of being watched hitting me. I quickly looked around. People were coming in and out of the nursing home, but none paid us any mind. I frowned at the feeling, not liking the way my body reacted.

"Logan, what's wrong?" Char asked worriedly.

Glancing around once more, I locked eyes with my girl. "Nothing babe. Let's go."

She stopped me before I got on the bike. "You sure?"

I nodded and kissed her head.


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