Chapter Seventeen

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The sounds of gagging and coughing woke me up. My arm stretched to the other side of the bed but found nothing. Sleepily, I raised my head and looked around the empty room. Noticing the bathroom door opened, I beelined to it.

"Baby?" I knelt beside a puking Char. I held her hair up as she emptied her stomach. After she was done I helped her to the sink and as she brushed, I did the same. "Are you okay?" I asked once she was back in bed.

Weakly nodding, she snuggled into the comforter. "Just a little nauseated."

I caressed her slightly paled face. "Want me to stay with you?"

"No, it's fine. You have to open up the cafe."

"Luke can go in if I ask. Baby, you don't look so good." I frowned.

"Gee, thanks." She rolled her eyes, chuckling.

"You know what I meant." I kissed her cheek and laid beside her. "You're gorgeous."

"Hmm." She hummed, her cheeks a little pink. "Go to work, Logan." She only snuggled closer to me.

"Okay." I held her close. After staying with her in bed for a while, I reluctantly got up and got dressed. "I'll call to check on you." I gave her a chaste kiss before I left. She was half asleep so I doubted she heard me.

"Mhm, I love you." She mumbled, barely audible.

I stayed kneeling beside the bed, frozen. She said she loved me. Did she mean that or was it unintentional? She was asleep, she probably made a mistake. Then I frowned, thinking. Whether she meant to say it or not, she did. I wanted to be the one who said it first. I just won't tell her she said anything and act like I did first. Yeah, that'll work. Grinning, I kissed my girl one more time and left.


Jazz: damn it Logan!!! She's fine! I'm with her stop bothering me!!!

"Damn, someone's moody." I muttered to myself. I mean, I was texting her none stop asking about Char but still.

I put my attention back on Chloe, She'd been eyeing a particular table for a while now. They seemed like high school kids. Five boys. I smirked, realising she was crushing on one of them. I approached her when she came up to the counter.

"What's up, kid?" I asked cheerfully.

She shrugged looking like her dog died. "Nothing."

"You sure? You can talk to me." I assured.

Giving a small smile in return, she looked up. "I know, I will when I'm ready." I nodded understanding.

"Hey, Chloe?" A feminine voice came from a boy? I frowned, confused.

"Oh, hey, Skylar. Need anything else?" Chloe asked politely.

The girl, I realised as I looked closer. Yeah, definitely a girl. Or a pretty boy. Nah, she's a girl.

Her hoodie on her head, hid her hair and she wore slightly baggy clothes. Which is why I thought there were five boys. Wait, was she giving Chloe heart eyes? Shit! Chloe was looking at her the same way.

"Um, yeah. Would you, um...I mean would you like to..." the girl hesitated with whatever she was going to say. "Can I have a chocolate milkshake?" She asked quickly.

"Yeah, sure. I'll bring it to you." Chloe answered.

I gave the order to John in the back and turned to Chloe. She was once again staring at the table. "Got a crush on that girl, huh?" I asked casually.

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