Chapter Seven

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The past week flew by in a beat. Mom was stronger so John gave me the week off to spend time with her. I took her wherever she wanted to go and did whatever she wanted to do. Even though I wanted to take her home with me, I didn't know how to actually care for a cancer patient. I was willing to learn just to have her close but she refused. She didn't want to be a burden which she could never be. My happiness couldn't be contained when it came to her recovery.

Yet, on the other hand, my heart ached. It was my fault for thinking someone as beautiful as Charlotte would like me. Just because she slept with me, didn't necessarily mean she wanted me. I already knew that from my experience with Julie. She was the only girl beside Charlotte that I'd slept with. We had a 'friends with benefit' thing going on. It worked for us, I was a virgin and she was experienced. Very experienced. I'd ruined it by asking her out. She told me I wasn't good enough to be with her, broke things off and I never saw her again.

Charlotte didn't seem to be the type to hurt me like that, but maybe she just wanted to get off that night. Or maybe it was the fact that I was a freak and she'd realised that after.

"Okay Mom, we're here." I pulled Luke's car to the side. "Hang on."

I got out and rounded the car. opening her door to help her out. I slowly and carefully helped my Mom into the cafe.

"I hope you guys aren't making a big deal out of this." She said, adjusting her hat on her bare head.

"It's just a simple dinner and even if John went all out, you deserve it." I smiled at her.

We walked in and everyone was already here, including Char and Jazz. She was important to John, so I didn't really mind. I led Mom to where everything was set up.

"Ah, Marie. It's so good to see you again." John approached and took my Mom's hand in his.

"It's lovely to see you too, Johnny." Mom smiled back.

"Hi, mom." Chloe squealed and hugged her next.

"Alright, my turn. We know I'm her favourite." Luke butted in.

I cleared my throat. "That position is already filled, man."

"Don't be jealous, little Logan." Luke teased.

I narrowed my eyes. "Mom, tell him."

My mom looked between both of us. Her mouth opened and closed.

"Mom! I'm your child. He," I pointed to Luke. "He's, well not me." I whined.

They all laughed at my expense and I couldn't help the pout on my face. Mom patted my cheek and was then led to sit by Luke.

"Marie, this is Jasmine and Charlotte. Charlotte's dad is a dear friend. I wanted you to meet them both. Girls this is Marie, Logan's mom. Tonight's dinner is for her."

I watched as they exchanged pleasantries before taking our seats, conversation flew effortlessly then. I couldn't help but notice my Mom had taken a liking to Char. She mostly interacted with her, John a close second. Those sea green eyes glanced my way a few times, but I kept my eyes away from them. Couldn't afford to get caught under their spell. No way.

"John, I just want to thank you for taking care of my baby. Especially since I couldn't." Mom told my boss.

I frowned, my words coming out more harshly than intended. "You take care of me just fine."

"Watch your tone, young lady." She scolded.

"Yes, Ma'am." I mumbled, slouching in my seat. Luke snickered beside me and I shot him a glare.

"Oh, please, don't mention it. I wanted her to spend this entire week with you. If you need more time with her, just let me know." John offered with a smile. "A little birdy told me she took you out on a date."

At the mention of the date, I saw Char looking at me from my peripheral.

"Yes, she did. My first in years and it was amazing." Mom said with a motherly smile in my direction. I smiled proudly back at her.

Dinner continued and soon it was time to take mom back. I stood there rocking on my heels, waiting for mom to say her goodbyes. My mood soured, I didn't want her to go.

"Sweetie, John's is going to take me back, okay?"

"What, why?" I frowned deeply.

"You've been with me all week. You're tired, honey."

"I'm fine. I can take you back." I insisted.

"Logan, stay here and help the others clean up." That tone told me to listen.

John took my Mom's hand and left while I stood there looking at the closed door.

"Quit pouting. Come help." Jazz called.

After cleaning up, we all sat with a drink in hand. I couldn't help but ask. "You don't think John likes my Mom, do you?"

"Dude, everyone likes your Mom." Luke said while sipping his coffee.

"No. I mean like, like her." I made a hand gesture, cringing at the thought.

"Would that be such a bad thing? Your mom seems really nice." Jazz contributed.

I didn't say anything else, it's not that I would have a problem with it. I loved them both and John was great. Even though I wanted my Mom fully healed, there was the possibility she wouldn't. I didn't need John to be broken hearted too.

Jazz and Luke eventually left, dropping Chloe home on their way to his place. Char asked to talk to me about something, I begrudgingly agreed. We were currently sitting in my apartment, a weird tension in the air. It had been ten minutes since we got here and she still hadn't said a word.

She took a deep breath. "Logan, I...," She cleared her throat. "Okay, so I was under the impression that you were dating other people. Not that you can't." She quickly added the last bit. "I just thought us sleeping together meant something because, well, you're so sweet and I really like you."

I sat dumbfounded. "I took my mom out."

Charlotte sighed and mumbled out. "I realise that. I have a tendency to get jealous at times. Bad past."

"That's okay. It happens." I gave her a small smile.

I watched the movement of Charlotte biting her lip. "Ask me again."

"Huh?" I asked, distracted.

Char giggled softly. "Ask me out again."

I frowned before understanding dawned on me. "O-oh, okay. Um, would you like to go out with me?"

"I'd love to." She replied with a cute smile.

"Kool." I shied away and looked at my hands.

"You're cute, Logan." She laughed next to me.

I shrugged. "I'm okay."

"You're way better than okay."

Cheeks red from her words, I opted to keep my eyes on my hands.


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