Chapter Ten

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Pain woke me up.

I grunted and tried to turn, but felt like crying instead. Slowly, I pulled my blanket closer and snuggled into my pillow. I listened as my door opened and footsteps came closer.

"Get up. We have work." Jazz slightly yelled.

"Shut the fuck up." I muttered.

She went silent for a few seconds before laughing. "On your period, huh? Well, woman up. The models will be at the studio in an hour." With that she walked out.

I reluctantly got up and walked to the bathroom all zombie like. I showered and I got ready, walking into the kitchen to grab my travel cup filled with coffee.

"Oh, so good." I moaned after taking a sip.

"You're welcome." Jazz rolled her eyes. We locked up and left for the studio, with Jazz driving since I felt like crap.

We got prepared for the models, knowing today was gonna be hell. Nothing is worse than a bunch of spoilt, bratty models. The fact that I'm extremely grumpy when in my period, makes it worse. Soon they were here and Jazz and I had our hands full. It was only nine am.

Too damn early for this shit.

The front door opening got my attention as I lowered the camera. Logan came waltzing in without a care in the world. Stupid grin in place and a brown bag in one hand, coffee in the other. While that gesture made me melt, it wasn't what made my heart flutter. In a studio filled with ten supermodels, some barely dressed, my lover had her eyes solely on me.

She beelined to me. "Hi," She leaned down and gave me a quick peck. "Breakfast." She showed her hands.

I leaned up and kissed her jaw, since it's as far as my short self could reach. "Thank you. Can you put it in the office?"

She frowned. "You're not gonna eat now?"

I motioned for Jazz to take the camera before taking her hand and leading her to a corner. Logan placed the breakfast down on a nearby table, frown still on. "We're really busy right now. I'll eat as soon as we're done."

"Okay." But that frown hadn't left her sweet face.

I laughed lightly, looking up at the taller girl. In the corner of my eye, I could see a couple of the models looking at her. If she noticed, Logan didn't show it. Her eyes were looking at me intently. I honestly wondered if she was pretending not to look because I was here, or if she really didn't pay them any attention. Either way, I was fucking jealous. I didn't want anyone looking at her that way.

"You should get going." I said.

Her frown deepened. "Why?"

"Don't you have work?" I really needed her to go before I kicked that blonde model's ass. I leaned up and kissed her, pleasantly surprised when she deepened it. She wrapped her arms around me, holding me close.

The blonde pulled back smiling. "Now I can go." She took the food up again and went into the office while I waited until she came out. She put another kiss on me and yelled 'bye' to Jazz on her way out.

Taking the camera back, we got to work. A few hours later we were done. The models went to get changed, while Jazz and I packed up.
That same model that was staring at my....oh, how I wish I could say girlfriend....Logan, came up to me.

"So," she started. "That girl that came by....She's your girlfriend?"

No, I kiss random strangers for fun.

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