Chapter Twenty Six

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I stared at my bikes. If Char was breaking up with me, did I have to sell them? I probably should since I'd need a car for the baby. I internally cringed at the thought of solely using a car. I stopped checking on the house. According to mom, it was finished but I hadn't seen the finishing job yet.

Maybe I could keep one.

I'd been racing regularly since Char left me. Three races a week. Won all and pissing Hawk off was just a bonus. I could keep the one I raced with and sell the other. What the hell do I do? I kicked a nearby bucket that sat in the garage, it's contents spilling.

"Ow, shit." I grumbled and held my foot, slightly hopping.

Now I'm hungry.

I walked into the cafe and sat at the counter. There was a bell there just incase you came in and no one was at the counter. I rang it once, then again. Then three more times, just because I could.

"Damn it, Logan, we're busy." Luke shouted, rushing with two drinks in his hands.

"Yes, and I'm a paying customer." I shot back.

He gave the drinks to Macy and turned to me. "You're the fucking boss." He deadpanned.

Oh, yeah.

Hehe, my bad.

"So help myself?"

"Help yourself."

I made myself a sandwich in the back before going out to help. It really was busy today. The hours passed by quickly but every so often I'd check my phone. Hoping I got a call or text from the small, short tempered woman. I never did. I wondered how she and our baby were doing.

Is she eating properly?


Does she still have morning sickness?

Things that I wanted to be around for. Maybe it was my fault. I did get her fucking kidnapped. But I went for her, didn't I? As quickly as I could. I shook my head. I didn't want to be weak and cry again. I did enough of that in the last three weeks. Even if we were over, I still wanted my baby.


I laid on mom's lap as she ran her fingers through my long blonde hair. My eyes were closed, my mind on Char. We were on the porch after dinner. John left to give us some time alone. I'd been here a lot since I didn't want to be alone. Even Jazz and Luke had been staying at his place now.

"How are you?" She softly asked, her hands never faltering.

"I miss her." Is all I said.

"She'll come back." She replied confidently.

At least she was.

"Our next doctor's appointment is in a few days." I opened my eyes to look up at her. "Will she come back by then?" I asked as though she knew the answer.

She smiled, though it looked sad. "I hope so."

We let silence take over. From where I laid, I could see the stars so I focused on that. "I'm in love with her. I could see myself being with her for the rest of my life." I spoke quietly, breaking the silence.

Mom sighed above me, her gentle caress continued. "I don't know what she went through, neither do you. She left because she needed comfort from a familiar surrounding, something safe. She's going to come back and when she does, you're going to listen and be understanding, okay?" She looked down at me.

"Okay, mom. I will." I promised.

Mom laughed softly.

"What?" I frowned

She smiled sweetly down at me. "I can't believe my baby is having a baby." She poked my nose.

I grinned, happily. "I can't wait."


Fuck my life.

Today was another busy day at 'The Friendly Bean'. I woke up early, went to the gym and overworked my body. I barely slept last night after I left Mom. I lost count of how many times I yawned already. The lunch rush was too much. All I wanted to do was crawl up to my small and lonely apartment, and sleep forever.

Chloe has been busy with school lately, so she wasn't working much. Apparently she and that Skylar girl were getting close. Macy had been doing her share of work so everything worked out. Leo was also an amazing cook. He and I were currently rushing to get orders done. That's how busy we were.

"Finally." I was slumped against the counter, chin resting on my palm.

"Damn, my feet hurts." Macy complained.

I slightly turned to her. "You can go sit for a while."

She smiled and thanked me.

I started daydreaming as I gazed outside the window. Thought of my girl- ex girlfriend? Anyway, thoughts of her plagued my mind. Her sea green eyes, her small cute nose and the way it scrunched up whenever I annoyed her. Her soft kissable lips and the way her small frame fit perfectly in my arms. She was made to be there.

I could almost visualize her getting out of the car that stopped in front of the cafe. She had on a short, yellow summer dress that made her look adorably cute. A blue jeans jacket over it. She looked almost like a princess. So pretty and ethereal. My mind saw her open the cafe's door and walked in. The princess looked around, almost hesitant before walking my way. Those beautiful eyes made eye contact with me and it was like I melted on the inside. I loved her so much. I wondered if she loved me too.

Her lips moved but I didn't hear anything. Oh, how I wish she was really here. Her lips moved again.

"Logan?" Her voice was so soft. Like music that soothed you to the core on a rainy day.

Her fingers snapped near my ear and I jumped up. My elbow slipped and my knees bucked at the sight in front of me. I groaned as I fell flat on my ass. "Shit. That hurt." I bolted up. "I'm fine, I'm fine." I said as multiple eyes were on me. My eyes widened as I realised I wasn't daydreaming. She was right in front of me.

She was here! I wanted to jump over the counter and spin her around. Hug her and never let her go again. But, I didn't. Without permission, my mind replayed the image of her walking away from me.

"Hi." Charlotte said shyly.

"You're back." I said flatly.

She fidgeted in her place. "Um, yeah. My mom just dropped me off. I wanted to see you first."

"Oh." I internally cringed.

"Can we talk?" She asked, eyes hopeful but expression sad.

I kept my eyes on her as she looked in my direction, but not really at me. "I'm working."

She bit her lip, nervously playing with her fingers. "Yeah, okay. When you get home then?"

I frowned in confusion until I realised what she meant. "I might just crash but I could come by tomorrow."

It was her turn to frown. "What do you mean? You still have to come home."

"I will be home." I pointed up. "At my place"

I saw disappointment flash through her sea green eyes. Maybe a bit of hurt too. I wanted to kick myself, I didn't want to hurt her. "Oh. Okay, yeah. Tomorrow." She said quietly.


I watched her slowly walk out, my legs begged to run after her.

I didn't.


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