Chapter Twelve

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"How worried are you?" Luke asked as he ate another slice of pizza.

I took a sip of my drink before answering. "Not worried. Something just feels off." I shrugged.

He thought for a moment. "We'll keep a lookout and maybe ease up on racing for now."

I nodded in agreement. We'd done plenty of races recently so money wasn't all that needed. I always tried giving Luke a share, but he always refused insisting it's all for mom. Besides, he was well off and he knew I wasn't.

"I'm actually surprised you two have time for us tonight." Jazz said as she came into the living room, followed by Char.

Luke and I glanced at each other before giving them innocent smiles. Char eyed me, coming to sit and snuggled closely. The paused movie resumed as we ate. I moved to lay on Charlotte's lap after a while, her hand gently stroking my hair.

I sighed blissfully, subtly inching closer at her touch. "That feels good."

"You're like a pet. Feed you, love on you and you're happy." Sea green eyes stared down at me.

I nodded, not even a little embarrassed by her words.


I cleaned up the cafe and got ready to lock up. Everyone else had already left. It was a long day, one where I opened and closed. I was about to walk outside when a loud crash pierced through my ears. Next thing I knew, I was laying on the floor and shattered glass was scattered around me.

I grunted when I felt a sharp pain shot through my arm. I tried to get up, but the scattered glass on the ground dug into my knees and palms. I heard the screeching of car wheels in the distance and figured that it was the person who busted the cafe window. Trying to get up a second time and succeeding, I called the police first then John. I looked around at the mess and my eyes caught something. A rock with a note taped to it. I didn't want to touch it so I waited for the police.

The paramedic stitched my arm up while I was being questioned. "Since it was dark and there were no witnesses, there isn't much we can do." The cop questioning me said. "Are you sure you didn't see anything?" I shook my head.

Just then another cop came up to us. "Look at this." He showed the cop with me the note that was attached to the rock.

"Alright, miss Matthews. Seems like this person was out to get you." He handed me the note that was attached to the rock.

My confusion grew. 'I found you, Logan.' What the fuck? "I don't know what that means." I said honestly.

Both cops watched me as if trying to figure out if I was lying or not. Realising I wasn't, they left after informing me that they'll be in touch.

"You okay, darling?" John asked coming to me.

"I'm fine, just little cuts here and there." I replied. "Sorry about the window." I added.

"It's replaceable. You're not." He gave me a warm smile, which I returned. "That arm looks bad though." He said referring to where a big piece of glass sliced me.

"Eight stitches." I gave a half smile.

After everything was done and I was allowed to go, all I wanted was my girl. John offered his place but I needed Char. Thoughts about someone following me came to mind. I didn't mention it to the police because well, I wasn't sure and it was just a feeling. I said a goodnight to John after he dropped me off and made my way up.

"Hiya, gorgeous." I gave her a lopsided grin when she opened the door.

Her own smile dropped once she took me, gently pulling me inside. "What the hell happened to you?"

"You should see the other guy." I joked lamely. She wasn't amused.

We sat in the living room as she checked out my wounds, not believing me when I said I was fine. Charlotte thoroughly checked me out, doing an even better job than the paramedic. She made me take off my pants because of the blood, a small sniff leaving her.

I cupped her face and gently kissed her. "Char, I'm fine. Promise."

"What happened?" She whispered.

I told her everything, except about the someone following me.

"And you have no idea who it could be?"

I shook my head since I honestly didn't. "No, but I'm sure the cops will find whoever it is." I tried to ease her worries.

"You'll stay here until then." She stated.

"I will?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Yes." She straddled me. "I can't have anything happening to you." She captured my lips with hers. The kiss was soft but intense. It felt like she was pouring everything into it. I kissed her back, just the same. She pulled back and looked deep into my eyes, "You mean so much to me, Logan."

I felt butterflies come alive. That heart fluttering thing people always talked about? Yeah, my heart was doing that too. Three little words that I never said to any other girl before threatened to spill, but I held back. One, it was too soon. We've been officially together for a month now. Three months if you count since we started fucking. And two, what if she wasn't there yet? Or didn't feel the same. That would surely kill me.

I leaned up and kissed her again. "I'm absolutely crazy about you, Charlotte."

"You better be."


I filled Luke in on what happened the next morning. The Friendly Bean was closed until tomorrow. John gave me a week off. Not that I needed it, it was just a stupid cut.

"Shit, dude." Luke murmured. "It's probably the same person that's been following you."

"Probably." I agreed.

"You need to be more careful. I'm going to stay with you until we get this sorted." He said with a nod.

"Dude, I'm staying here. Char's orders." I lightly chuckled.

"I already talked to her and Jazz. Everything's settled." He looked deep in thought. "Whoever it is, isn't afraid of hurting you. They made sure you were close to the window before throwing that rock." He sighed. "I know you could most likely kick my ass but you're my sister, Logan."

I smiled in gratitude. "Thank you, brother."

I leaned back thinking. It could be someone from the track, but we were always careful. I can't remember doing anything that would lead back to me. I sighed to myself. This was giving me a headache.

The door opened and I guessed the girls were back.

"Hey, guys." Jazz said as she sat beside Luke, kissing him on the lips.

I waited for mine, but Char didn't walk in. I kept looking behind me. "Where is she?"

I heard Jazz laughing, "She's putting some things away in her room."

I got up and went to her, entering the room to find her ass sticking out of the closet as she bent over. I bit my lip, shamelessly staring. Perfect, round and toned. More than enough for me to squeeze. So, that's what I did. I walked to her quietly, and squeezed her ass.

She jumped. "Logan! What the fuck!" She screamed.

I laughed and pulled her to me, "What was so important that you refused to greet me first? Hm?" I asked, burying my face in her neck.

She moaned when I started to lick and suck on the tender flesh. "Baby, not now." She whimpered out.

"But I want you." I kissed from her neck to her jaw, stopping at her lips.

"We're not having sex with those two here." Char laughed and lightly pushed me back.

"You can be quiet." I grinned sheepishly.

Her eyes squinted. "When have I ever been quiet?"

"Fair enough." I patted her head.


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