Chapter Thirty Three

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Luke and I walked behind both our girlfriends while we shopped for baby clothes. My eyes were glued to Char's ass as she walked, giving nods here and there while Luke ranted on about something.

"Ouch." I snapped, feeling a sting on my upper arm.

"Stop lusting over her and listen." He grumbled.

Shrugging, I kept perving. "She's mine, I'm allowed to."

"I've apologised a hundred times and she still won't forgive me. I messed up, I know that. But I just got scared." He kept on ranting.

"Uh huh." I murmured, attention elsewhere.

Holding her belly, Char bent slightly to pick up a piece of clothing. Her dress rode up her thighs, giving me a view of the smooth flesh.

Damn. I am a pervert.

I closed my eyes to rid myself of the lust filled thoughts.

"Babe?" She called for my attention. I opened my eyes. "What about these?"

In her hands were onesies. The left one had the writing, 'I'm cute, mom's hot and dad's lucky'. While the other had 'cuter version of dad'.

"Ha ha. Funny." I rolled my eyes. "I happen to think I'm both hot and cute."

She shrugged, teasing smile on. "You're okay, I guess."

I gaped at her retreating figure.

"Hey Luke, I'm cute right?" I asked.

"Sure." He looked at me. "You still proposing tonight?"

"Yup. I'm nervous. She'll say yes, right?" I asked anxiously.

"Well, she's having your babies and you guys live together. If that doesn't say forever, I don't know what does." His eyes scanned the aisles.

"But like, what if she says no? Then what do I do?"

"She won't. But if she does, then....well I don't know." He rubbed his chin while my nerves got worse. "But she won't." He quickly added after seeing the look on my face.

"Yeah, you're right. She'll say yes. She has to." I mumbled, trying to convince myself.

"Hey, isn't that Julie?"

"What?" I looked in the direction he was.

Julie was smirking deviously at me, from outside the store. I scowled and turned around.

"That woman is a stalker." Luke whispered.

"You're telling me." I grumbled.

For weeks she'd come in, flirt and talk about when we were 'together'.

"Uh oh. Char's coming." Luke muttered. "So is Julie."

My eyes caught the view of my girlfriend, a deep frown in place.

"Why's she here?" She jerked her head in the direction of Julie.

"I don't know." I answered hurriedly.

"Well well, fancy seeing you here." Julie smiled. "Charlotte, you look about ready to pop."

Char didn't say anything but gave a fake smile.

An awkward silence filled the air. Julie was eyeing me while Char shot daggers at her. Luke ran off somewhere and we were just standing there.

"Baby, I'm ready to go." Char broke the silence.

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