Chapter Twenty One

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The door slammed against the wall. He came charging through, walking toward me. Just before he grabbed me off the bed, mom yelled.

"Get away from her!"

He turned to her, "stay out of it Marie, I have nothing with you."

He gripped my shirt and dragged me off the bed. I was too small to fight back. He clenched his fist but before he could connect it to my face, mom pushed at him. He only stumbled and regained his balance. I scurried into the corner and hugged my knees to my chest as they fought on the ground. Mom's already bruised body was being punched again and again.

"Logan, baby run." She cried out.

I shook my head, I didn't want to leave her. I got up and ran outside looking for something, anything. My eyes fell on the baseball bat in the corner. I picked it up and ran back to my room.

"I told you to stay out of it!" He yelled in mom's face. "That little shit need-"

He didn't finish that sentence because I swung as hard as I could. The bat connected with his skull and his body fell limp.

"Mom!" I ran to her and helped her up.

"I'm okay, baby." She looked at the body as checked his pulse. "He's alive, we need to go now."

We ran to the car. She already packed some of our clothes before, just enough to not look suspicious.

"Mom, I'm scared." I cried.

She took my hands in hers. "Don't worry, we're going to be safe now."


I woke up in a panic, noticing soon I was laying in a hospital bed. Glancing around the room, I saw Luke asleep on the chair. I frowned as a pain shot through my head.

"Shit." I mumbled and fell back down on the bed. Fuck, Char. "Luke!"

He scrambled up, looking disheveled. "Fuck, Logan, you're up." He came beside me.

"Where is she? Char, is she okay? The baby?" I asked, panicking.

The look on his face made my heart clench. "Logan, calm down. You have a concussion." He put his hand on my shoulder.

I shook it off harshly. "I don't fucking care! Where is she?!"

He visibly gulped and straightened up. "We're looking for her." He said cautiously.

I felt my anger flare. "What. The. Fuck. Does that mean." I said through gritted teeth.

"A car rammed into you. You got knocked out and they took Char." He hurried out.

My face paled and I stopped breathing. I had this loud ringing in my ears and I felt momentarily blinded. I quickly ripped out whatever they had attached to me and stood up, ignoring the dizziness I felt. Luke knew better than to stop me. He silently handed me a pair of clean clothes that I hurriedly threw on.

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