Chapter Twenty Nine

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Four months later


"Baby." Someone whispered and shook me. I groaned but didn't wake up. "Baby." The voice said louder, giving me a smack on my shoulder.

"What?" I groggily answered.

"I'm hungry." My girlfriend answered. With my eyes still closed, I could tell she was pouting.

I peeked an eye open and sure enough, there was a pout present. "What do you want this time?" I shut my eyes again.

She smacked me again, harder this time. That woke me up. "Get up, I'm hungry."

"I asked what you wanted, didn't I?" I sat up.

"I want a grilled cheese, pickles and peanut butter."

"Got it." I got off the bed and made my way downstairs. I took a glance at the clock, 2am. Every damn night. Stupid pregnancy cravings.

I placed the pickles and peanut butter on the counter, knowing she'll be down any second now. I started on the grilled cheese sandwich just as she walked in. She scooped up peanut butter on a pickle and I fought the grimace from my face.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked with a frown. "Do you think I'm fat or something?" Her frown deepened.

My eyes widened, my mouth opened and closed multiple times. "What, no! You're gorgeous."

"Yeah, okay." She got up and walked to the living room couch.

"Char, I don't think you're fat." I quickly finished her grilled cheese and followed her.

Her belly was a little bigger than usual considering she was having twins, but she really wasn't fat. She had that angelic pregnancy glow and was still breathtaking.

She yanked it from my hands and ate. "This is your fault. Not only did you put a baby in me, but you had to put two." She stated grumpily.

I sighed and stayed quiet. I learned my lesson months ago when it came to her mood swings. One minute, she was all over me and in love. Then, she couldn't stand me. She was the one screaming she wanted me to cum in her. I simply gave her what she wanted.

"I love you too, pretty girl." I smiled when she glared at me.

She finished eating and got up. I didn't move and when she realised, she turned and glared at me again. "Logan, I'm horny. Come on." She whined.

Laughing a little, I followed her up to the bedroom.


"What are you doing here?" Macy asked.

"I own this place?" I tilted my head, confused.

She chuckled, wiping down the counter. "I just know you've been spending most of your time with Charlotte." Macy and Char got along great, now that she realised Macy was kool.

"Ah, yes. Well, she kicked me out of her office." I shrugged. Apparently, today she didn't like me too much. But I knew food would cheer her up. "Can I have two cheese burgers and fries. Oh, also some onion rings and a vanilla milkshake."

"Got it."

I sat and waited for Char's food. These past four months had been amazing. Other than my pregnant girlfriend's mood swings, we've been happy. We moved into the house the week after I showed her. We probably had sex on every surface, well, except the rooms that would be for the babies and the nursery. I couldn't wait for her to give birth. Because while I was whipped for this girl, I also needed to sleep through the night without her having a random craving. Or jumping my bones every chance she got. Although, I doubt with having two babies we'd get any sleep. A tap on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, Logan." She smiled.

I sat frozen for a few seconds. "H-hey."

"It's good to see you. You look good," she looked me up and down. "Really good."

A throat cleared and I turned to see Macy. "Here you go." She side eyed the person next me.

"Thanks." I mumbled and grabbed the food. I stood up but before I could leave she grabbed my arm.

"See you around, Logan." She bit her lip.

I frowned and left.

"Fuck, this is good." Char moaned as she ate.

My mind was still spinning from before. She moved years ago. Why was she back here? I looked up at Char and smiled. Leaning forward, I gently wiped some food from the side of her mouth.

"I love you, so much." I told her honestly. She stopped chewing, both of her cheeks puffed out. She looked like a cute chipmunk.

She finished chewing and swallowed. "Okay, take off your pants." She said, putting her food down.

"Wait, what?"

"You can't just tell me you love me with that look in your eyes, expecting me not to get turned on." She reached over and went for my jeans. "How do you wear this tight ass jeans with your dick? Don't your balls need to breathe?" She harshly tugged them down. "Help me get down."

Still confused, I helped her kneel in front of me where I sat. She gripped my cock in her hands and started to stroke. With her hands firmly holding me, she stroked up and down while she lowered her head. She licked the underside from base to tip, licking my slit then repeating. I threw my head back with a groan when she took my cock head into her mouth. She moaned and bobbed her, seemingly enjoying herself.

My eyes was shut as I enjoyed my girl's mouth. I always loved what she did to me. She couldn't take all of me, but her hand took care of where she couldn't reach. I opened my eyes and looked down, her eyes held tears but she didn't stop. She took my balls into her mouth and sucked on both of them. Both hands were now on my cock, pumping and twisting. I could feel myself about to blow. I gripped the arm rest, my hips begging to buck. But I didn't want to hurt her.

"Baby, I'm close." I grunted.

She stopped. "Finish in me."

I got up and helped her to her feet. She always wore dresses now, so it was convenient. She went to the sofa in the office and bent over. I moved her underwear to the side and touched her slit. So pink and wet. I couldn't resist tasting her. I lowered my head to her pussy from behind and licked her clit. With two fingers and my tongue in her, her moans were loud and I wondered if anyone could hear us. I felt her pussy clenched around my tongue and I stopped. She whined in protest but I quickly penetrated her.

"Yes, fuck yes."

I thrusted forward as she thrusted backwards. We were meeting each other thrust for thrust. I watched as each time, only my tip would stay in before going back into her pussy completely. I smirked and slapped her ass. She moaned harder, so I did it again. I kept spanking her ass as she threw it back on me. I felt her wall tightened, so I grabbed her hair and pulled her up to me.

"Are you close, baby?" My hips slammed into her repeatedly. My hand around her neck and the other holding her waist securely.

"Yes yes yes. Don't stop, harder."

Two more thrusts and we both came undone. Char almost fell over but I held onto her. I slowly pulled out and I heard her moan again. I carefully sat with her on me. She leaned against my chest and sighed in content.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly.

She kissed my neck before snuggling closer. "I'm sorry, Logan."

"What for? I fucking loved that." I chuckled.

She laughed quietly before turning serious. "These past months you've been nothing but sweet. While I've been a bitch. I love you and I know I don't deserve you."

I made her look at me. "You're not a bitch. We both eqaully deserve each other. I don't do the things I do, just because. I do them for you and our babies. You're pregnant and your body is going through changes that even though I'm a woman, I could never understand. I can't imagine how you feel but I'll do anything to make sure you stay happy. Okay?"

She nodded as I wiped a stray tear that fell. "All mine." She mumbled, snuggling back to me.

"All yours."


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