Chapter Fifteen

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I sat on my bike, suit and helmet on. There were more racers today and I decided last minute to race.

"Maybe lying to your girlfriend wasn't such a good idea." Luke said nervously beside me.

Laughing a little, "dude she's my girlfriend. Why are you scared?"

"She's a bit scary." He said slowly.

I sighed and looked around. Hawk was eyeing me, scowl in place. "You think it's Hawk?" I asked.

"Could be anyone." Luke shrugged.

We lined up and at the sound of the horn, sped off. For some reason I took it easy at first, trying to get a feel. I could see Hawk gaining speed on me and I shifted gears and sped ahead. I liked pissing him off. I played with him a little, blocking and cutting him off. He followed pursuit and cut me off around a corner. I caught myself and did what I do best. I sped up maneuvering and gracefully passing through the other racers.

After both races and collecting payment, we were about to leave when Hawk came up to me.

"You're a damn coward!" He shouted. I didn't say anything.

I bit my lip to stop from laughing, his face was really red from anger. From the corner of my eye, I saw Luke step forward. I grabbed his arm and pull him back, shaking my head 'no'.

"Back off, Eugene. Don't be a sore loser." Luke scoffed.

I wanted to laugh at the name since it didn't match his appearance. I saw when his fists balled at his sides and I knew what was coming, but I didn't do anything. I leaned against my bike, arms folded. Luke saw it too. As the punch came, my friend easily side stepped. Hawk or Eugene, tripped a bit before throwing another. Luke dodged that one too, sticking his foot out a little. The burly man landed in the ground grunting.

"Night night, Eugene." My blonde friend snickered.

I got on my bike and left, knowing Luke would follow. I did my usual routine, taking unnecessary routes to the cafe, switched bikes and went to Char's. Luke was already there waiting for me.

"He's big for nothing." I said after I parked.

"I doubt it's him. He doesn't seem too smart."

Making our way up, I stopped when we reached the apartment door. There stood Amy, my girl's ex, talking to my girl. Char's eyes slightly widen when she saw me.

"Hey, baby." She said nervously.

My brows furrowed. "Hey." I looked between them.

"Who the fuck is this?" Amy asked bitterly.

Luke coughed awkwardly and disappeared into the apartment. I sighed, thinking I wanted to go with him.

"This is Logan, my girlfriend. Logan, Amy." Char introduced us.

Even though she was staring daggers at me, I smiled politely. "Nice to meet you."

"You're that chick from that cafe." She said trying to size me up.

I leaned casually against the door frame, not intimidated in the slightest. She was tall, but still at least two inches shorter than me. I was pretty tall. Both of us were toned and a bit muscular.

Guess Char has a type.

"Yup." I popped the p. I looked at the short brunette as she was staring at me. I slightly shook my head and went pass her through the door.

"Baby, wait." Char held me back. "She came unannounced. I didn't know." She said a little scared. Of what? I had no clue.

I nodded. "Okay. I'll be inside if you need me."

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