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Five months later.

I put on my black shirt and buttoned my skinny jeans. Slipping on my vans, I checked the time. 8pm. Char and I had 20 minutes to get to the cafe. I had the place expanded, so now we had room for more entertainment, apart from the small library. We were having a karaoke night for the opening since the expansion. It would now be a weekly thing.

"Baby?" I called walking into our room. Char made me change in another room because I kept hitting on her. "Are you ready? We gotta go."

"Yeah. Just a sec." She said, putting on her earrings.

I stood at the doorway admiring my sexy ass girlfriend. She wore a tight black dress that came to her mid thigh, black pumps to match. Char didn't take long to get to her usual size again.

"You look ravishing, baby." I husked out, walking up to her.

She turned around, reaching just above my chin with her added height.

"Yeah?" She smirked, brushing her lips against my jaw.

I nodded. "Definitely." I groaned. "No time for a quickie. Come on, let's go."

We entered, hands clasped, to see the place packed. The small stage was placed to the right of the cafe, the library further down from that. Soft seats and bean bags were available in the area that made it up. People talked and drank coffee along with other beverages at the counter, a mini bar at the other end. We even had a pool table for those who were interested. The bar was mainly for karaoke nights. It would stay a cafe and library during the week. Friday and Saturday nights, the bar would be open.

We met our friends at a booth and sat.

"Where's the twins?" Jazz asked, her hand rubbing her growing stomach.

"Mom took them again. They should be here soon." I said, just as Char's parents came in. Her brother was not able to make it yet again.

During the past few months, her parents seemed to warm up to me. Well, her mom was okay from the beginning, but now her dad liked me too. I got to meet her brother for the first time two months ago when he came to visit. Him, Luke and I, had a night out which was fun. What wasn't fun was coming home drunk and getting scolded by Char. I may have woken her up for sex at 2am. Not my fault alcohol makes me horny.

The night went on, I even made a little speech and I didn't throw up while doing it. Points for me. My nerves were only getting the better of me as the time went on.

"Why is she here?" I asked Char with a scowl.

She turned to the door to see who I was looking at. "I didn't invite her. She probably saw the flyers or something." Char shrugged.

Amy walked over to the bar and sat. I huffed and folded my arms. My girl was too busy talking to her best friend to pay attention to me. My best friend was having a beer with John and Char's dad. My mom and my girlfriend's mom were too busy gushing over my babies. In short, I felt left out.

I poked her arm, whining like a child. "Baby, I'm bored."

She turned to me. "Go hang out with the guys."

"I don't want to." I shook my head. "Give me attention."

She chuckled. "Logan, I'll give you as much attention as you want when we get home." She placed a kiss on my jaw, then went back to her conversation.

I poked her arm again. "Baby?"

"Hmm." She hummed distracted by Jazz gushing over her baby.

I sighed and looked around. Great, nobody to talk to. I looked over at Amy and even she had company. I furrowed my brows and got up. I made my way to the stage just after someone stepped off. I grabbed the guitar and sat in front of the mic.

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