Chapter Eight

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Piling into Luke's car, Chloe, Jazz and Luke pulled off. I was still trying to convince Char to get on my black and red Ducati. We had our first date a few days ago and today we were heading to the beach. Char stayed back so it wasn't like she had a choice but to get on. She stood there, arms folded and a cute pout on. She really was an adorable sight.

"Char, come on. Let's go." I urged gently.

"Why don't you have a car? Why a bike?" She rolled her eyes.

"You sound like my mom." I muttered under my breath.

"Excuse me." Her eyes narrowed. Okay, maybe not under my breath.

I gave her a cheeky smile. "Just get on. I'll go slow, promise." I patted the space behind me.

"I should've gone in the car." She grumbled and hesitantly sat down. I gave her the extra helmet, waiting until she put it on.

"You have to hold on, Char." I chuckled when I saw her arms resting on her lap. She hurriedly wrapped her arms around me tightly.

I smirked and sped off. Char squealed as I kept increasing my pace. "Logan, slow the fuck down!" I kept going for a few seconds before relenting. Fifteen minutes later we came to a stop. She hastily got off, pulled the helmet off her head and threw it at me. "Asshole." She grumbled and stormed off.

Feeling like crap, I secured my bike and went in search of my friends. I found them laying down on spread towels on the beach. Char was shooting daggers at me, her summer dress now off. She looked so sexy in her white bikini, brunette hair down.

I hesitantly walked up to her and sat, quietly taking her hand. "I'm sorry."

She yanked her hand away, mumbling 'asshole' again. I sighed feeling even worse. I was only playing around, I didn't know she'd react so badly.

"Did you guys fight?" Chloe asked amusingly.

"Logan's an idiot." Char said grumpily.

I frowned with a whine. "I said, I was sorry."

"You promised." She hissed.

"Well, in my defense, I had my fingers crossed." I mumbled and she glared at me. "Not that it matters. Char, I'm sorryyyyy." I laid my body down on hers and placed butterfly kisses on her face.

She giggled and tried pushing me off. "Logan, stop."

I leaned into her, whispering for only her to hear. "That's not what you said last night."

Her face flushed adorably and her blush only intensified when I kissed her nose. I smiled triumphantly.


I leaned back on my elbows looking at Logan and Luke playing football. Well, more like throwing the ball back and forth. They couldn't play for shit. She looked so good in her boy shorts and bikini top. My eyes kept trailing up and down her toned body.

"Are you and Logan together?" Chloe asked from beside me.

I thought about it for a moment. "Um, no. We didn't put a label on it. We agreed to just see where it goes."

Chloe nodded, she seemed to think before answering. "I guess that's alright. Just don't hurt her, okay? She means a lot to all of us."

I saw just how serious she was and I've seen it myself, the bond Logan had with her and Luke. They were like siblings, family. "I have no intention of hurting her, Chloe." I smiled reassuringly.

"Good. Let's go meet Jazz in the water." She took off, leaving me behind to follow.

The three of us swam while Logan and Luke stayed on the shore. It wasn't long before the two blondes gave up the ball and joined us.

Logan swam to me, smiling sweetly. "Hi."

I pulled her in for a quick peck. "Hi."

She picked me up and I wrapped my legs around her waist. The blonde kissed me again, more passionately this time. I licked her bottom lip for entrance, which she happily gave. The feeling of her slick tongue against mine made me moan into her mouth. She nibbled on my bottom lip while tightening her grip on me. I wanted more. She pulled back when I started grinding on her.

"We can't." She panted, giving me a peck. "Not here."

"But I want you." I pouted.

Chuckling, Logan shook her head.

"Please, babe." I bit my lip.

Her cheeks flushed and she leaned in. I closed my eyes anticipating a kiss, next thing I knew, I was engulfed in water. I quickly swam up and wiped the water from my eyes. Logan was almost out of the water, laughing hysterically. I can't believe she fucking dunked me! I angrily got out the water, stomping towards the towels. The laughs of three others met my ears. I glared at them as I picked up my towel.

"Char." Logan called out walking up to me. I ignored her and sat down. "Baby?" She called out again. Even though I internally swooned at the endearment, I didn't show it on my face. "I was just playing. I'm sorry. "I rolled my eyes and looked at her. Her eyebrows were furrowed and she looked sad.

I grabbed her chin and pulled her in for a kiss. "You're such an ass." I mumbled against her lips.

She gave me a goofy grin.


We left the beach at sunset as it was the last weekend before school opened for Chloe. Logan and Luke wanted her to enjoy to the fullest, the girl was about to be a senior after all.

We now sat at a Mexican restaurant, Chloe's favourite. Each of us ate as many tacos as we could. I swear, they were trying to get Jazz and I fat. My...what do I call her? Lover? Okay, yeah. My lover had already eaten four and on her fifth. I had two and felt too full to move. Luke just started on his third and was losing to his friend. Apparently this was a usual thing for them.

"How much more until they puke?" Jazz asked with a concerned expression.

"Eh, don't worry about that, they're beasts when it comes to food." Chloe shrugged nonchalantly.

In the end, Logan finished seven and Luke six. The girl stood and gave a goofy, uncoordinated dance to celebrate her victory, uncaring about who saw.

We walked around town for a while, taking in the sites and teenagers that were hanging on to the last of their holiday before school opened. I spotted an ice cream parlor, watching my blonde lover's eyes lit up when I suggested it.

"Really? You can still eat?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"You have no idea, baby." She gave me a lopsided grin.

I shook my head with a small smile, dragging her towards the ice cream parlor. Everyone placed their orders while the biggest child rocked on her heels still trying to decide.

"Just pick something." I whispered when the guy asked again.

Hang on, I'm getting there." She waved me off. "Cookie dough. No, wait. Chocolate chip cookie dough."

"Are you sure?" The guy asked tiredly.

"Yup. Never had it before." Logan answered, oblivious to the guy's frustration.

By the time Logan had taken me home, it was past midnight. Getting off her bike, I held the helmet out to her. Jazz was still saying goodbye to Luke, so I used the extra minutes to kiss the girl goodbye.

"I had fun today." I said once the kiss was broken.

"Me too. Bike's not so bad, huh?" She smiled, bouncing slightly on said bike.

I chuckled but agreed. "No, not so bad. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I'll bring you a cappuccino." Logan smirked.

I started to walk away, looking over my shoulder after a few steps. "Good night, Logan."

"Sweet dreams, Charlotte."


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