Chapter Fourteen

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I went back to work a few days ago, it was both relaxing and exhausting. It kept busy for the most part, some customers curious about what happened to the window or why we were closed. John was still anxious about the incident, so I wasn't allowed to close up at night alone anymore. Something I knew my Mom had a say in.

I currently sat on the bed after getting to Char's. I watched her move around as she placed items in their place and tidied up her closet, basically ignoring me. She'd been a bit distant with me since I tried to leave. We'd kiss, cuddle but emotionally, I barely got anything.

"Char, can you lay down with me?"I asked hopefully.

"I'm busy." Came a dry response.

I sighed and continued to watch her. She bent over to pick up something she dropped and I just had to admire her ass. Man, I'm horny. That was another thing, no sex for me. Charlotte loved teasing me though. Walking around with those damn short shorts or stripping in front of me. I could watch but couldn't touch. I am this fucking close to masturbating. But I knew I wouldn't be satisfied, I needed her.

One last try wouldn't hurt.

"Baby, now? It's neat enough." I said in the softest voice I could muster up.

The short brunnte grabbed a box of tissues and walked to me. "Here, there's baby oil in the bathroom. Have fun." She gave me the tissues and went back to her business. I sat there dumbfounded.

I can't believe she's still mad because I said something dumb.

I tossed the tissues aside and walked in the kitchen to find Luke, currently making our dinner. I sat with a loud huff of annoyance, gaining his attention.

"She still mad?" He asked when he saw me pouting.

"Yup." I said popping the p. "Where's Jazz?"

"The store. We needed wine."

I nodded and stayed silent after that. The past few weeks replayed through my mind. I glanced up at Luke, the thought of him or anyone else getting hurt because of me made it difficult to breathe. The lead they had on the car didn't go anywhere. It was reported stolen from a nearby town two days prior.

"I'm scared, man." I said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.

He looked at me. "I know. We're gonna figure this out. I promise."

I shook my head, resting my elbows on the counter and placing my face in my hands. "I can't lose her, Luke. I'm scared to stay but I'm fucking terrified of leaving her." I paused. "Who's next? You? Mom? Chloe or John?"

"Logan, nothing's happening to anyone. You and me? We're going to make sure of that. I promise you." He said determinedly.

The front door opened and Jazz came in. Minutes later, Char joined us as we ate dinner together. Both girls went to their room afterwards, leaving Luke and I to do the dishes. When they were finished, I went to inform Char I'd be leaving for a while.

"Luke and I are going out for a bit." I told Char from the bedroom door.

She frowned at me. "Where and why?" She glanced at the time. "It's getting late."

"It's barely nine Char, I can't just go to work and here all the time." I walked to her and leaned down since she was sitting on the bed. "I'll be back soon." I kissed her cheek and was about to leave when she grabbed my arm.

She looked up at me and I could see the vulnerable look in her eyes. "What are you hiding from me?" She asked quietly.

I gulped and knelt before her. "Nothing, baby."

"You're lying." She insisted. "Why can't you be honest with me? Where are you really going?" Her voice still quiet.

I didn't know what to say. It wasn't that hard right? I just had to tell her. It wasn't like I raced for fun, I did it for mom. "Char-"

"Is there someone else?" Her voice cracked.

"What? No! Of course not." How could she think that?

"You both always go at night and stay for hours." She gave her reason. "It's always the same."

I haven't raced in a while and we weren't going there to race tonight. I needed to scope out the place incase it was someone there. "Baby, listen to me, okay? There is no one else. I would never do that to you." I said with as much sincerity I could muster. "It's you. Just you."

Charlotte nodded, still seeming unsure. "Then what is it?"

I sighed and got up. "Give me a minute."

I went to tell Luke we'd have to go another time. I needed this over soon, but my girl was doubting me and I couldn't have that. I didn't blame her, Charlotte was lied to and cheated on before. Those insecurities and doubts were understandable, but I was going to make sure she never second guessed her worth again. Especially with me. I wasn't about to leave her in this state. The next race was in a couple of days so I'd wait.

I went back to the room and sat against the headboard. She instantly crawled to me, straddling my waist. I held onto her hips as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

"I'm going to tell you everything, okay?"

She nodded.

I explained it all. From the reason we left our old home to getting here, that it was my mom's parents not accepting her after having me. Struggling to make ends meet, meeting John and how his help saved us. Then meeting Luke and Chloe, and the small family we gained. I choked up talking about when mom got sick, told her about losing our house afterwards. My introduction to racing and how it was what paid for Mom's treatment. I even told her about thinking someone was following me before the two attacks. I didn't leave anything out. When I was done she just stared at me.

Then I felt a smack on my arm. It was painful. "Why didn't you tell me someone was following you?"

"Oh, that's what you got from all that?" I rubbed my arm.

Her eyes softened. "No, I'm sorry that you and your mom had to go through all that, but she's doing better now and I'm certain she'll be fine. As for the racing, I get why you did it. It doesn't make it safe but I get it." She sighed. "What I'm really worried about is someone targeting you. Do you really think it's someone from the race track?"

I shrugged. "It's the only thing I could think of."

Char leaned in and kissed me, nipping and pulling with her teeth and tongue. I gripped her waist, wanting her closer. Just as my buddy was waking up, she pulled away.

"Mhmm, no. I'm still mad about the other day."

"What? You're the one who said we were over." I said a bit irritated.

She nodded. "Yes, because I didn't want you to leave. You weren't suppose to say it was for the best." She got off of me.

"I already apologized." I said. "I'm hornyyy." I whined, trying to reach out for her but she dodged me.

"Like I said, there's baby oil in the bathroom." She winked and walked out.


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