Chapter Twenty Seven

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I checked the time on my phone, not knowing if I should go now or later. Or whether or not I needed to call first. Sighing, I pulled the bell closer and played with it. It was a slow morning, only a few customers. A hand came to cover mine as I repeatedly rung the bell.

"That's really annoying." Macy said.

I squinted my eyes at her. "It's my bell. I can ring it if I want to."

She rolled her eyes. "Anyone ever told you, you're a child?"

I shrugged, about to answer when someone cleared their throat from behind me. Char stood there, watching me and Macy with a look I couldn't decipher.

Hey, can we talk?" Her eyes flickered down to my hand. Only then did I realise Macy's hand was still on mine.

I gently removed my hand. "Sure." I looked at Macy. "I'll be upstairs."

In silence we walked up. She walked in front of me and I tried and failed to keep my eyes away from her perfectly rounded ass. I felt like a creep since I wasn't sure if it was mine to admire anymore. I kept my eyes down as we made it up, and I unlocked the door. Char walked in, I closed the door and followed her in.

We sat on the couch a good distance away. A fleeting image of our first time together crossed my mind as I faced the center of the living room. I mentally shook it away.

"How have you been?" She asked.

"Why'd you leave me?" I couldn't make small talk.

Charlotte looked down at her hands. "I-I don't...I'm sorry...just.." She cleared her throat. "I just needed to be alone for a while."

I started to bounce my knee. "You could've done that here. All you had to do was tell me and I would've given you space." I said quietly. "You didn't have to completely ignore me for three weeks or go back to your ex." I muttered bitterly. I couldn't help it.

Her eyes snapped up to me. "Excuse me?"

"If you came here to break up with me for her, then just do it." It came out harshly.

She stood up. "You know what, Logan? Fuck you." She said, her eyes showing hurt. "I came here to apologize and explain things to you. Instead, I find you holding hands with some girl." She shot back angrily.

I stood up, towering over her but she didn't seem fazed. "This coming from the one who was loved up with her ex on her parents' porch!" I shouted. "You fucking left me, ignored me and ran to her!"

Char slightly jumped and stepped back. A flash of fear flickered in her eyes. I immediately felt like the biggest asshole. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell." I lowered my voice. I walked towards her, only for her to take another step away from me. "Baby, I'm sorry, okay? I just really missed you. I came there and saw you with Amy. I thought you left me for her and if you did, that's okay. I just want you to be happy, I'm sorry I shouted at you, baby." I rambled out.

"I thought I heard your bike." She mumbled, more to herself. "Nothing happened between me and Amy. She just came by to apologize and that was it." She said a little louder.

I felt relieved but didn't show it. We stood there just staring at anything but each other. All I wanted was to hold her. Take her in my arms and never let go.

"How's the baby?" I asked.

Char looked up at me, her hand rested on her slightly protruding stomach. "Doesn't do much." She smiled a bit. "Morning sickness comes and goes."

"You've been taking care of the both of you then?"

"Yeah." She said, barely audible. "I want to talk to you about some things but," she stopped and I waited for her to continue. "Can you just...?"

Her eyes pleaded with me for something. I gazed into them intently, trying to figure out what. Ever so gently, I pulled her into my arms and held her petite form. Her small arms circled around my waist tightly.

"I missed you, Char." I whispered with my lips to her temple.

"I missed you too. So much." She whimpered. "I'm sorry I ran away."

I kissed her temple repeatedly, letting my lips linger. "Are you still mine?" I was honestly afraid of the answer.

Her arms tightened. "I'm always going to be yours." She mumbled against my chest.

I exhaled with relief.


"I'm going to kill him." I was pacing back and forth in front of her.

After things calmed down, we talked. Well, she talked and I listened. She explained why she left and how she couldn't face me. Why she needed to go home. Basically it was what my Mom told me. After what she went through, she needed something familiar. She told me what he did to her. If I could go into that prison and kill him, I would.

"Calm down." Charlotte stood and walked to me.

I shook my head. "This is my fault."

She frowned. "It's not. It's his and it's over. I was stupid for leaving and for not coming back sooner. Can we please just move past this?" Her sea green eyes were sad. I didn't like seeing her sad.

"Okay, baby." I picked her up bridal style and started to her room.

She yelped and clung to me. "What are you doing?"

I smiled at her. "We have three weeks of cuddling to make up for."

I laid her on the bed and got in with her. She was laying on her back, me between her legs. I placed soft kisses on her stomach as she quietly watched me. I missed this.

"I honestly thought you meant something else when you said cuddle." She admitted with a smile.

I locked eyes with her. "Yeah? Like what?"

She chuckled and bit her lip seductively.


"Do you want to?" She asked, almost shyly.

It was cute. She usually just told me to fuck her. I didn't answer, instead I lifted her top further up to expose her breasts. My mouth found it's place around a nipple. She moaned and slightly squirmed. I sat on my knees and unbuttoned her jeans. Piece by piece, her clothing fell to the floor. Mine followed soon after. I sucked on her neck, marking her as I did. My hands gently fondled her breasts as my mouth licked towards her erect nipple. Taking turns on each breast, I sucked and tasted the tender flesh. I flipped us, so she was on top. She rubbed her pussy lips up and down my cock. The tip hitting her clit each time.

"Be careful, baby." I warned, I didn't want to hurt her.

She chuckled through her moans. "Just because I'm pregnant, doesn't make me glass."

Her hips grinded down harder and faster. "Baby....t-three weeks. Don't t-tease." I muttered.

She raised up and one hand grabbed my dick, aiming it into her pussy. I groaned as she slammed down on me. This girl didn't do gentle. She set a rapid pace, using her knees to help fuck herself. She lifted until just my head was in, before she slammed back down. She repeated it.

"Fuck, I missed you." She moaned.

I grabbed her hips and assisted her. After a while she gave up as pleasure filled her body. I was doing the fucking, my hips thrusting upward and my hands holding her still. I flipped us again, me on top now. She wrapped her legs around me and I fucked her into the mattress. Her moans turned into screams.

"Shit, you feel good." I grunted.

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming." She screamed.

We came together.

My body slumped next to her, drained. Char turned and giggled. "What's so funny?" I asked amused, still trying to catch my breathe.

"Be careful." She mocked my voice.

I smiled at her. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I sighed in happiness, feeling whole again.


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