Chapter Three

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The lights coming through the partially opened windows almost blinded me as I slowly opened my eyes. I shut them closed with a grunt. I'm never drinking again. I sat at the edge of the bed, waiting for my morning wood to go down. As slowly as I could, I got up and put my clothes back on before making my way outside.

I walked into the unfamiliar kitchen to see two people looking even worse than I did. Charlotte was humming as she cooked what smelt like eggs.

"Well, good morning." She said amusingly, small teasing smirk in place.

I grunted out a reply as I sat down. She placed a glass of water and Ibuprofen next to me. I thanked her and took it gratefully.

"You look like shit, Logan." Luke said, raising his head off the table.

"Have you seen yourself?" I mumbled back.

"All three of you look like ass." Charlotte snorted, placing eggs, bacon and toast on the table.

"Why don't you look like ass?" I asked, eying the partially burnt food.

She smirked again, taking a seat with her coffee mug in hand. "I'm incapable of looking like that, Logan."

"Please, shut the fuck up." Jazz grumbled with her head still down.

After we all ate and no longer felt like we were dying, Luke and I left. Luke went back to the club to retrieve his car, as I went home to take a shower. It was Sunday, meaning John and Chloe handled the cafe.

I showered and stopped by the cafe to see how things were before heading to the nursing home. It wasn't busy, it never was on Sundays.

"Hey, kid." I leaned against the counter.

"What are you doing here? Miss us already, huh?" The teenager grinned when she saw me.

"Most definitely did." I smiled at Chloe.

We talked for a while before I left, my familiar sadness reappearing on the way to my mother. Entering the home, I signed in and made my way to my mom. She was up this time, looking out the window.

"Hey, Mom." My smile wasn't forced, happy she was moving about.

She returned the smile, patting the spot next to her. I happily sat and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. I spent the entire day with her. We talked as I tried my best to cheer her up, knowing I'd be leaving by seven.

Sulking all the way back to the cafe, I was about to go up to the apartment when I saw the lights on in the cafe. Curiously, I went in. I was met with my three co-workers and two familiar girls there.

"Hey, you're back!" Chloe smiled.

"Yup. Here I am." I cocked my head, "what are you guys doing?"

"Dinner, sweetheart." John said as he motioned me to take a seat. "I'm sure you haven't eaten all day."

"Not true. I had breakfast at Charlotte and Jasmine's." I defended myself.

"Oh, yeah?" He looked from me to Charlotte curiously. "And lunch?"

"I got busy." I mumbled, looking down.

I could see him shaking his head in my peripheral view. "When are you gonna start taking care of yourself, Logan." He chastised.

I felt embarrassed being scolded in front of the girl I was pretty much crushing on. I looked up to see her looking at me with a small smirk. That damn sexy smirk. I wanted to kiss it right off.

"Alright alright. Leave her alone." Chloe butted in.

"Thank you, kid." I said, earning an eye roll from her.

As we ate dinner, I couldn't help but look around. John, Luke and Chloe were my only family other than my Mom. I felt as though Jasmine and Charlotte were now my friends too. That thought made me happy, I was never close to a lot of people. Mainly because of the way I was born. An outsider who never fit in.

"If I recall correctly, you promised to show me how strong you were when you're sober." Charlotte whispered near my ear.

I almost choked on my water. I glanced around, only to see everyone indulged in their own conversation. I looked at her to see green amused eyes.

"I-I did?" I stuttered out.

"Yup." She popped the p. "Care to show me tonight?" Her voice was low and sultry.

"What d-do you mean?" I gulped. I could feel my member slightly twitching. No, no, no. Stay down!

Her smile widened. "Hey everyone, Logan wants to show us just how much sit ups she can do."

"No, I don't." I quickly said, regaining my thoughts that strayed.

"Nah, let's do push ups." Luke jumped up.

I was still in a daze from before, stupid perverted mind. Next thing I knew, we were out in the streets. Luke and I got down and started doing push ups as the others cheered. I was fairly fit. I went to the gym three times a week or if I got too busy, I did what I could at home. The goal was who could get to fifty first. Easy peasy. For me at least. I reached thirty two when I saw Luke drop and didn't come up.

"Shit. Okay, how'd I do?" He asked as I kept going.

"Twenty." Jazz laughed.

In no time, I reached my goal and jumped up. "Ha! You got beat by a girl." I yelled proudly.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." He grumbled.

Charlotte walked up to me, smirk playing on her lips. "Well, that was impressive." She gripped my biceps.

"T-thanks." I awkwardly mumbled.

She was gonna kill me with her sexy self. By now the others had gone back inside, leaving me to fend for myself. She just stared at me. I wanted to kiss her so badly, but I was scared. Scared of rejection. Even if she liked me, there was no guarantee she would accept me after she found out.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Logan?" She was smiling now.

"I don't know." I whispered.



She just stared at me, seemingly thinking about something. It was almost intense really, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach come alive. My breathing quickened as I waited for her to say something. Her eyes flickered to my lips before meeting my eyes again.

She bit her lip, slightly shaking her head. "Let's go inside."

She turned and left.


"How's your Mom?"

John and I were sitting in the cafe since everyone else had already left. I pondered that question. How was she? I knew thinking she'd get better quickly, was just wishful thinking. I wasn't stupid, I could see it.

"Okay, I guess. Chemo is taking it's toll on her." I sighed.

"I'm here for you, Logan. Whatever you need. If you need more days off, just say the word." John patted my shoulder.

I nodded. "Thank you, but I need the money for her treatment. You're already letting me live upstairs rent free. It's more than enough."

"You're family now. You, Luke and Chloe are my kids. Not biologically but you know. Like I said, whatever you need."

I smiled. He really was the sweetest guy. Everything you could want in a father, a friend.

I said my good night and went up to the apartment. Drained from this day.


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