Chapter Sixteen

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I bent her over the desk and slammed back in. Pounding mercilessly, her hips thrusted back into me. I came here to have lunch with her, but this was so much better.

"Fuck, Logan." Char moaned. I slapped her ass, enjoying the jiggle. I couldn't help but do it again, harder. "Fuck!"

After a few more thrusts, her walls clenched around me. I pulled out after her orgasm and rapidly stroked myself over her ass. When I came, I made sure it only fell on her ass not her clothes.

"Logan, why did you do that?" My girl whined. "Now I have to clean my butt."

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me. "You said butt." I pointed out childishly.

"Seriously, how old are you?" She turned around. "My blouse better not have your cum on it." She warned.

I smiled big. "Nope. I aimed. Hold on." I said and went into the bathroom they had in the office.

Well, I wobbled since my pants and boxers were around my ankles. I fixed myself up and took a small towel I saw in there. After wetting it I went back out. I carefully cleaned Charlotte, then picked up her jeans and underwear off the floor.

"What are you doing?" She giggled when I knelt in front of her.

"I undressed you, didn't I? Only fair I dressed you back." I smiled as I helped her into her panty first then her jeans.

When I stood back up, she grabbed my shirt and kissed me roughly. "Are you trying to turn me on again?"

I squeezed her ass with both my hands, "I've never fucked someone bent over a desk before. It was fun. I can do it again." I grinned.

Pushing me back she laughed. "Another time. Jazz will be back soon." I pouted, which she kissed away before sitting on her chair.

"What time are your parents arriving?" I asked as I sat on a nearby chair.

Her parents were coming into town later on today. I wasn't sure if that meant she was going to introduce us or if she wanted me to vanish for the evening.

"Around 3pm, I think." She answered, watching me.

"Kool." I spinned around in the chair. After two spins, her foot stopped me. "What?"

She gave me a blinding smile as her head tilted. "They can't wait to meet you."

My eyes widened and I stared at her. "M-me?" I pointed to myself.

"Yes. Do you not want to?" Her smile never left her face.

"N-no...I mean....okay, yeah, I can do that. Okay." I stuttered out.

Char got up and sat on my lap. "You really are adorable." She pinched my cheek.

"I'm not five, Char." I frowned at her words.

"You act like you are." She playfully glared at me.

"Then that makes you a pe-"

"Don't fucking finish that sentence." She warned sternly.

"Yes, ma'am." I hurried out.

Shaking her head, she got off of me and opened the food I bought her. I silently marvelled at the small brunette. It was amazing how much I felt for this girl. No, this woman, that invaded my every thought. That made my body feel things I never thought I could feel. I didn't mean sexually. The faster heart beats, butterflies, the feeling of desperately aching for her whenever she wasn't near. I craved her in every possible way. Yeah, I am definitely in love with her. I sighed quietly and reached for my food.

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