Chapter Twenty Two

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*trigger warning* includes some violence.


"How?" I asked as we drove.

John briefly glanced at me before focusing back on the road. "I raced back in the day for them. They may be doing illegal shit, but they're loyal." He said, we were driving like maniacs. "They still have my back."

I looked out the window, my legs bouncing as I continuously wiped my sweating hands.

"So, I'm all for getting Charlotte back, but who is this guy?" Luke asked from the back.

I clenched my jaw shut, so hard my teeth hurt. "My uncle." I gritted out.

"Why does your uncle want you dead?" He asked genuinely confused.

I breathed in and out. "After my mom's family abandoned her, he took her in. He always had a soft spot for her." I started. "Him and his wife took care of her, she was only sixteen then. I was born and everyone thought I was a boy, but mom always had her doubts." I paused thinking about it. "His wife got sick and she died, he started drinking and just wasn't the same. As I grew up, mom saw my features were more girly than a boy's would be. At first they joked about me just being a pretty boy. Mom knew better and had me tested. She found out I was intersex and her brother, well, he lost his shit." I chuckled dryly. "The abuse started. At first mom tried to take it all but when he was done with her, he came after me. Every time we tried to leave, he found us. The guy was a low life." I thought back to the night we finally got out. "We got lucky one night and made it out. He never found us, until now."

I knew mom already told John this story. No one said anything else.


My voice hurt from all the screaming I did. I learnt the hard way no one was around to hear them. I was tied to a bed by my wrists as I leaned against the headboard.

"Finally, she's quiet." A man in a business suit said. "Max, cut her clothes off."

My body shook in fear but I tried to keep it togther. I shut my eyes as the same mam who pulled me out the car, came closer. He took the scissors and roughly cut my clothes off. Leaving my underwear and bra on. Tears freely streamed down my face while I silently prayed for Logan.

"Damn, look at that body. That bitch is one lucky bastard." He muttered and I cringed in disgust, my eyes were still shut. "I was going to kill you in front of the bastard but I just might keep you." His lustfilled voice said.

I pulled my knees up to my chest, attempting to cover myself. I heard his malicious laughter fill the room. "Soon. The bastard will be here soon." He muttered.

I could only hope he meant Logan. I was terrified, not just for me but for my baby. More tears streamed down my face at that thought. I felt a hand on my bare thigh and I jerked away from the unwanted touch. My eyes opened and I was met with cold ones.

"You'll be fun to play with." He gripped my leg with one hand as the other trailed higher. "It'll be fun bending you over. Then after I'm done, I'm going to gut that thing out of you." He spat with hatred.

I tried to pulled away but my restraints didn't let me. "Let me go!" I cried out. He just laughed and just as his hand was about pull my underwear off, someone rushed in.

"They're here!"

He let me go and followed the man out.

Damn it, Logan, it better be you.


"There's at least ten to fifteen men around the house. Me and my men can easily take them." The boss stated.

I still didn't know his name, I didn't care to right now. All I wanted to do was run in there and take Char away. But that wouldn't be a smart move.

"He's expecting Logan, maybe Luke and I but not you guys." John added. "The big guy is mine and Luke's. Logan, I'm guessing you want to deal with your uncle." He said as he kept his eyes on the abandoned warehouse.

Why is it always an abandoned building?

"Yeah, he's mine."

I watched as the boss and his men attacked and fought the men. My eyes caught the big guy storming out the warehouse.

"Luke my boy, you ready?" John smirked and Luke, though he looked scared, nodded.

Wasting no time I ran towards the building, leaving the fighting to them. I needed to find Char. Just as I entered, a fist connected with my face. I stumbled back and faced the owner of said fist. The man or should I say boy, launched at me. Easily dodging his sloppy punches, I ducked and threw a punch to his ribs. He grunted and attacked again. I quickly side stepped, grabbed his arm and wrung it backwards, twisting. I stopped when I heard the bone snapped.

I left him and went further in. There were two hallways, I made a left kicking every door open as I went. She wasn't there. I ran to the other hallway. Another one of my uncle's men came at me. I wasn't in the mood for this shit. I grabbed his wrist, bending it the wrong way. It broke. I gripped his jaw as he yelled out in pain and slammed his head into the brick wall. He was knocked out cold. I continued kicking doors open.

I reached the second to last door, I kicked it open. My eyes immediately landed on my pretty girl. My heart ached at the sight. I didn't even attempt to wipe my tears. Anger, fear and pain filled my being. My uncle stood in the corner, an arm wrapped around her neck while the other held a gun to her head. Her clothes were on the floor. I didn't want to think about what he did to her.

"Logan." Her voice reached my ear as she whimpered.

"I'm here, baby. I'm gonna get you out of here, okay." I tried to comfort her.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Logan." Michael spoke. "She's a fine piece this one." His hold tightened.

I swiftly pulled my gun from my waist and pointed. There wasn't a clear shot. "Let her go." I demanded.

He laughed. "I think I have the upper hand, don't you?"

"Keep your eyes on me, baby." I told her. She listened and our eyes locked. She was scared. I could only hope my eyes held some sort of confidence.

"Put the gun down!" Michael shouted.

My eyes stayed on my girl as my gun slowly lowered. "Giving birth is gonna be a bitch, huh babe?" My eyes flickered down. Ever so slightly her legs parted. His leg came into view and I took the shot.

He stumbled back with a pain filled scream and the gun fell to the ground. I darted towards Char and caught her before she fell. I pulled her behind me and aimed my gun to his head. Char's arms wrapped around my waist, her face pressed into my back.

"Logan, don't sweetheart." John's voice reached my ears. "He isn't worth it. I'll make sure he rots in prison, I promise you that."

"Logan, I want to go." Char cried from behind me.

I lowered the gun and tucked it in. I turned and picked her up. Just before going outside, I put her down and took off my jacket. It was big enough to hide her body. I picked her up again, ignoring the eyes on us and went to John's car.

I got into the back with her and held her trembling body as she cried.


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