Chapter Twenty

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Nervously biting my nails, my knees bounced as we waited. It was our first appointment then we were going to tell mom.

"Baby, stop." Char said for the fifth time.

"You stop." I retorted.

"What?" Her eyes narrowed at me.

"What?" I feigned confusion.

She shook her head and went back to her magazine. There were so many pregnant women here. Big belly, small bumps, so many of them. My anxiety was rising.

I'm outnumbered.

"Charlotte Blake?" A nurse called.

Before I knew it, we were in a room waiting for the doctor. Char was in a hospital gown laying on the bed.

"Are you okay?" I asked, bouncing in my seat.

She raised a brow as she took in my state. "I should be asking you that."

"I'm good, great."

"Come here." She motioned for me to come to her and I obliged. "There's nothing to be worried about. We're just going to see if everything's okay."

"Okay." I mumbled, just as the doctor came in.

"Good day. I'm Dr. Pierce, Charlotte right?" The woman in a white coat greeted.

"Yeah. This is Logan." Char gestured to me.

"Oh, good. So, before I are?" She waited for one of us to finish.

Char chuckled. "Logan's the other mom... or dad?" She looked at me.

I was looking at the very confused doctor. I started to rock on my heels, suddenly very shy. "I have a baby maker." I mumbled, pointing down.

"Logan!" Char snapped but I could see her trying not to laugh.

The doctor frowned, clearly confused before realization hit. "Oh, right." She laughed lightly. "Let's get started then." She lifted Char's gown, asking her to spread her legs. She had something in her hands.

"Uh, what's that?" I pointed to it.

"A transducer. It's goes into her vagina."

Her what now?

Only I go in there.

"What, why?" I asked panicky.

Char grabbed my hand. "Baby, relax." Her thumb stroke my knuckles.

I nodded as the doctor continued. I shut my eyes as she inserted the thingy. Moments later I heard a faint beating sound. Char's grip tightened around my hand and I opened my eyes.

"That's your baby and the heart beat." Dr. Pierce said with a soft smile.

I started at the blotch? Speck? Whatever it was, I stared at it as I listened. I swallowed thickly and tried to keep my emotions in check.

A baby.

My baby.

Our baby.

I looked over at Char, she was watching me with glossy eyes. She chuckled happily as I leaned down giving her a chaste kiss.

"Thank you." I mumbled against her lips.

The doctor spoke and interrupted our moment. "It's too soon to tell much. So far everything looks good." She slowly removed the thingy.

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