Chapter Twenty Four

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Two weeks.

Two painfully, lonely weeks without my girlfriend. She never answered when I called, she barely texted back and I was losing my shit. Jazz spent three days with her before coming back, but even she barely talked Char.

I put the last book on the shelf and made my way to the counter. Luke was at the register today. Our new cook Leo, was in the kitchen and the new girl Macy waitressed.

"Any news?" Luke asked.

I shook my head and checked my phone for the hundredth time. I texted and asked if she was alright or if she needed anything. Charlotte only replied with a simple 'no.' The pain in my chest increased as the days went by.

The only thing keeping me sane was helping mom decorate and fix the house to Char's liking. John and I finalized everything last week. When she finally came back, I would ask her to move in with me. My thoughts were interrupted when a woman and child came up.

The woman was tall, probably my height. Striking grey eyes and dark hair. She picked up a little strawberry blonde hair girl, probably around four. I watched as she asked her what she wanted.

"Which one, princess?" She referred to the cookies on display.

"Hmm," her pointer finger tapped her chin. "That one. No, wait. That one." She turned to the woman. "Can I have both, momma?" She shot her puppy dog eyes.

I knew immediately she was a goner. She wasn't even my kid and I wanted to tell her 'yes.'

The woman sighed. "You heard, her majesty, she wants both." The woman directed at Luke.

The little girl squealed in joy and took the cookies as Luke handed them to her.

"It's on the house." I said, from my place where I sat.

The woman turned to me with a raised brow. "Are you sure?" She looked between me and Luke.

"Definitely." I smiled politely.

"Say 'thank you' princess."

The little girl squinted her green eyes at me. They were actually really intense. "What's your name?" She asked instead.

"I'm Logan, what's yours?"

"Angel. This is my momma and I have a mommy at home." Her cute voice sounded very much like she was warning me.

I chuckled and held my hands up. Her mom seemed to be holding in her laughter. "That's nice. I have a girlfriend and a baby on the way." I mean, even if I was single, I wouldn't hit on this woman. She was obviously gorgeous but she also looked like she would break me in two.

She gave a firm nod, seemingly pleased at that information. "Thank you for the cookies."

"You're welcome, Angel."

They said their goodbyes and left. As they were leaving, I heard the woman say something about not telling her mommy about the cookies.

I turned to Luke and he was silently laughing. "She thought you were hitting on her mom."

"Yeah, kid is something else."

He leaned against the counter. "Why don't you go see Char? It's only an hour away."

I looked my hands. "She isn't even answering my calls. What makes you think she wants to see me?"

"Get her to talk to you. You gave her space, now its time for her to talk." He simply said.

Maybe he was right. I could drive there and ask her to talk to me. See if she'll come back home. I missed her. I felt like a zombie the past two weeks without her and I was more than ready to hold my girl again. Not to mention, I needed to be there for our baby. She couldn't be alone at this time. She needed my support.

"Myabe you're right.


I went to check on the progress of the house. Mom gave strict instructions on what to do and how to do it. According to her, it was what Char described when they had a talk awhile back. It wasn't much work to be done. Since John bought it, I insisted to be the one who redecorated. I talked to the workers and made sure everything was going in the right direction.

I stood in the living room, looking around. It was a good house, she would like it but right now it felt...wrong. I didn't feel joy. I felt empty inside. My chest clenched painfully at the thought of my absent girlfriend.

After I was done, I hopped on my bike. I was going to her if she wasn't coming to me. The drive was less than an hour for me since I was desperate to see her. I pulled into the road that Jazz said she lived on but since most of the houses looked the same, I got confused. I stopped in front a random house and looked around.

I heard a door open about two houses down and a woman walked out. She turned and stopped as another woman came into view. It was Char. She was breathtaking as usual. The other woman looked familiar but I couldn't see her face from here. I watched as they talked for awhile, seeing how the other woman moved closer.

The conversation lasted for a couple of minutes before the taller woman tucked a piece of hair behind my girl's ear. Even from here, I noted to gentle way she touched Char. Each second that passed and they stood there, my heart broke just a bit more.

The woman turned and I recognised her. Amy. Her ex. The ex that cheated on her and tried to control her. I watched as she got into her car and drove off. Char had already disappeared when my eyes landed on the door again.

I sat on my bike, not knowing what to do. Tears formed in my eyes but I blinked them away. We were still together, right? She didn't break up with me. She said she was coming back. So why was she with her ex? They seemed close. What if she was cheating on me? Would she do that? No, Char wouldn't do that.

She was having my baby. We were having a baby. She was going to come back. I was going to ask her to move into the house with me. I tried desperately to convince myself but it wasn't working. She was icing me out but talking her ex. She wouldn't return my texts or calls, but had her ex over.

I didn't even realise I was crying until I tasted the salt on my lips. I harshly wiped my cheeks and put my helmet on. Starting my bike, I drove off. I couldn't deal with whatever was going on right now. If we were over, I didn't want to know just yet. I didn't want to face it. Maybe I was jumping to conclusions but my heart was hurting.

She said she loved me. I didn't believe that right now.


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