Chapter 12

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The long wait of avu's life came to an end. Finally the day arrived and she got ready happily. She reached Mumbai airport and she was very excited that he would be there to pick her but was disappointed when she found his driver waiting for her. Madam, sir has some workand he asked me to pick you he said. Avu  faked a smile and sat in the back seat quietly.

She reached home and felt happiness once she stepped inside the house. She reached her room and she left to take a relaxing shower. She headed to the washroom, took a quick shower and changed into a comfortable dress. That time she got a call from Vibha aunty "Hi mom, how are you?" she greeted happily. "I am fine dear. I have something to say" VA said. "Yes mom" Avu agreed.

"Go to the first adjacent bedroom" she commanded. Avu did as she said. "There will be a Saree and jewellery in that cupboard take that wear these jewels. These are our traditional jewellery. My mother in law presented me, now I am giving it to you. You keep all these near God, pray for your happy married life and wear those jewels. Today is very good day and pray well, take some elders blessing and start your happy married life". She advised. Avu smiled hearing her and accepted it wholeheartedly.

She kept the jewels near God and did some Pooja. She pray for Sid's well being and took that if her hands. She felt those dress and jewels are too heavy but as per her mother in law's wish she got ready in blue and white saree. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and her eyes widen looking at her own reflection, a blush crept all over her face. She came down and found Sangeeta MA, an elderly personin that house and a trusted person in their family.

( Avu's Outfit )

She took her blessings. She blessed her wholeheartedly and complimented her looks. She thanked her with a shy smile. She left once her words were done and Avu waited for her hero's arrival impatiently. "When will you come? I am doing to see you" she thought. That was a full moon day but the dark cloud hidden the moons glory. She wished to see his handsome face in the moon light.

He reached home in hurry and felt bad thinking she must be worried. He planned to go to airport to pick her up but due to sudden client visit he couldn't receive her. Be went inside the house hurriedly and headed towards their room. He reached in few seconds and his eyes died to see its heaven and peace, finally his eyes landed in her and he was stunned looking at her. The dark cloud slowly descended from the moon.

The place was silvered and transformed by the light is the moon, which, at the, hung like a great luminous pearl on the earth. Her deep coral brown eyes sparkled like a star once it reached his eyes. Her crescent shaped eyebrows looked down on her velvet black eyelashes and it was pleasure seeing her flowing moon shadow black hair. Her honey sweet lips curled into a bright smile once her brown eyes landed on him.

Her outfit perfectly suited her, she was stunning in that blue Saree and those jewellery. She didn't had any extra up just her dazzling eyes and strawberry pink lips made her look like a goddess. Her looked at her without blinking his eyes making her blush more which results in making her face more beautiful naturally. In a single word, she stood there like his queen for his entire kingdom.

She bit her lower lips to control her shyness. She thought to instantly embrace him as tight as she could once seeing him but his different strong gaze made her speechless and so she stood there lowering her gaze. He took few steps forwards towards her. She lowered her eyes not meeting his. He stood just an inch apart form her, she couldn't stop anymore moreover she missed him all those days. She hugged him tight, raised her eyes and gazed his face.

His dark black hair, which was thick and lustrous looks gorgeous even when it's messy. His mesmerizing deep midnight hazelorbs, his strong and defined face, his broad dark eye brows which sloped downwards in a serious expression. His perfect lips rip for the kissing. His strong hands which were slightly rougher, held her waist as he started deep into her eyes.

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