Chapter 34

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Let's continue...

"I won't leave you today. You're going to die in my hands" Avu said chasing him.

He ran fast and finally stopped near a tree. She to reached him and raised her hand to hit him. He caught her hand delicately and she dropped the stone once he touched her hand. Before she could withdraw her mind from its far places, his arm were around her waist with their eyes locked.

She stood there like a statue. He bent down, his lip against her cheek, brushing it lightly and still that light touch sent shivers through her nerves, shivers that made her whole body tremble. He slowly reached her ears and whispered "I Love You" which made her more nervous and her heartbeat multiplied thousand times.

He looked at her face. "Avu looked at me" he said. She opened her eyes to look those beautiful hazel eyes. "Will you be with me forever?" He asked like a kid. " I'll I'll be with you forever. I'll be your side in your every success and failure. I'll be there for you to take care of you. I'll be there to shower my Endless Love which I saved for you all these days" she replied from her heart.

He heard the words what he wanna hear for long days. He pulled her more close like her lips was just an inch away from his. "Then marry me?" he said like his lips brushing her's.

She nodded and he took it as her acceptance, without a delay he slammed his lips on her. He kissed her gently. She smiled once she felt his lips against her and accepted it by encircling her arms around his neck. The kiss was slow and passionate, later it grows deeper.

He kissed her with all his love and desire. It shows how much he missed all those days. She felt like the whole world have turned upside down! The others disappeared and there she alone with him. She kissed him back, he smiled and when he felt she is struggling for breath, he broke the kiss.

She blushed and hidden her face in his chest. At that moment, he felt how heaven would really be. Nothing feels better than when you love someone with your whole heart and soul and they love you back even more. He hugged her more tight feeling the bliss moment.

Sunset and blooming flowers made that environment more romantic. There were in that position for a long time and they came back to their senses once rain drop hit their face. They both opened their eyes and felt rain drops on them. The rain started to drizzle.

'Hey! Rain in this season is really surprising" he said looked at her. "Yes" she nodded happily enjoying the drizzling rain. "You love rain, right. Once you told me" he said with amusement. She nodded her head like small child getting excited seeing a chocolate.

"You're looking so cute" he said pinching her nose." You too" she said by squeezing his cheeks. He pecked her lips and they both started enjoying the rain. Slowly the drizzles changed into big rain. The rain smell made them felt heavenly.

He shook the branches of the tree and rain water from the tree sprinkled on her. She jumped in excitement and enjoyed the heavenly feeling. He caught her hand and she happily prisoned in his arms. He took her in his hand, she rested her palms on his shoulder, raised her head, closing her eyes, she kissed the rain drops falling directly on her face. "No rain ever seemed her so romantic as of today" she thought.

They were like that for a long time and finally the rain slower down and blessed the beautiful couple. He slowly dropped her down and kissed her forehead and sat on his knees. "Avu, now I promise you. I'll be there for you in every situation and I won't leave you alone even a second. You'll be my first priority and I'll be there to take care of you in every situation. Will you marry me?" He asked holding her hand.

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