Chapter 11

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It was two weeks since Avu reached her home. Everyday she called him and made sure whether he ate properly or not and ask him about his work. Even though she missed him alot, she couldn't come to a conclusion about her feelings. Their marriage was happened two early, once he proposed her at that time she was not ready to take all those new responsibilities as a wife and a daughter in law. But every time Siddharth stood beside her and helped her in every situation to come out from all her fears and insecurities.

When she was in Mumbai, she missed her home but she was used to that since she was in hostel for three years but what she felt bow was totally different. Every second her heart wish to see him and worried about him.

The ache of longing to be with him  echoed  through the every marrow of her bone. It was a chill wind trapped in the chamber of her heart. With every spare moment her mind would rehearse a new letter to him and her heart prayed silently to pass thet one month fast.

"Even though there are several ways to connect with people but longing to see a person will never be vanished via message or calls or even video calls. Every time those video calls ended up missing him more. All those social apps can never meet the feeling of his presence me, his killer hazel eyes, his breathtaking smile more over his motherly care" she thought.

Avu's mom went to a neighbor's marriage function along with her dad.
Avu refused to come and her mom didn't compelled her. It was around six in the evening, she stood in the balcony starring the pink evening sky sipping her cup of coffee. Her eyes fell on the person standing near the park, she couldn't believe her eyes and thought whether she was in dream. She rubbed her eyes and saw him again and this time she was sure that it was him. She didn't waste a second and ran towards him like the lost a kid found his parents in the crowd.

He stood there with a smile, she hugged him without any delay. He caressed her back. "Chill, let's go inside" he said but she was not in the state to listen. He took her inside by keeping her in his embrace. 'I missed you" she said without looking at his face. Her chockind voice hurt him and he took her face in his palm. "Me too missed you alot. But now this crying face his hurting me more". He said while looking in her eyes.

"I'll not cry" she said with tears, her tear which he couldn't tolerate. "Please don't cry Avu" he said wiping her tears. She nodded like a school girl. He hugged her close to his heart. She felt satisfaction after long time, that what she longed for those days and finally got his embrace. They both were in that same position not ready to come out of each others embrace.

"When did you come?" She asked. "Morning" he replied. "Morning?" She ask  with a shock and came out of his embrace glaring him. "Actually, I had a meeting with clients, so I visited them in morning" he replied casually. She glared at him again and stood up from the couch. He grabbed her hand and made him sit in his lap.

"Leave me, you know how much I missed you. I thought you too missed me and so you came here to see me but came for meeting and for namesake you visited here. This much only you cared for me" She said coming out of his hold. He smiled and kissed her cheeks. "I reached here just an hour ago. I drove my car as fast as u could to meet my beautiful wife who I missed like a hell all these days" he said looking in her eyes.

"But you said something else" she asked with narrow eyes. "That's what I'm going to say to your parents" he said with a wink. "Oh! But why you didn't come in morning?" She asked sadly. "Baby I too thought to come in the morning but my bad luck there was some important work in office" he said consoling her. She nodded. "Did you had something?" she asked with concern.

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