Chapter 17

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Let's continue...

After few weeks,

Avu talked with vaish and asked her to take good care of baby. Ritika left their home a week ago since all her problems were sorted out. It was around 11:30pm, yet Sid didn't reached home. Avu waited for him looking at the entrance.

Finally she heard his car sound and rushed to see him but Sid there still seeing his state. He was drunken and not in the state to stand properly. He struggled to keep his balance and Sid their with Rits support, holding her. Avu just started at them.

Rits room him to the guest room in the ground floor and made him lie on the bed. She came out and saw Avu who was still in shock. "He drunk to much in the party. I told him to stop but he didn't listened me and now he is suffering" she said sadly.

"I'll take care. You can go, it's already late and thank you for your help" Avu  said without any emotions. Rits nodded and left their home. Avu didn't enter the room, she slept on the couch thinking about several things. First of all, Sid was notthe type of person to lost control over drinking.
Several questions haunted hey mind  and finally she slept without her concern.

Morning he woke up but couldn't open his eyes because of the severe headache. He slowly opened his eyes and realized he was in the guest room. He holds his head since the pain was high. He tried to remember the last night incident but he couldn't remember it entirely, few scenes he remembered.

He badly wanted to take a long shower typo overcome the dizziness. He headed to the washroom and had a long hot shower. He came out and changed into track pant and t shirt.

He saw her in the kitchen. He felt guilty to face her but his legs automatically walked towards her. "Avu" he called her slowly but she didn't respond. "Avu please look at me" he said but she didn't respond.

I'm sorry he muttered holding her hands. She released her hands from his hold and left the place. He took a long breath but to his surprise. She kept the cup of lemon tea on the kitchen table. He took that with a smile and he badly wanted it cause he had severe headache.

Avu sat in the backyard thinking his change over, tears formed in her eyes like a pool. He sat near her but she stood up from the place once she felt his presence. "Avu, please listen to me. Atleast listen to my point of view and then decide. Don't be mad just by your assumptions" he said holding her hand.

She wiped the tears sat next to him living a gap. He took a long breath by seeing her behaviour. "Yesterday as I said their was a client meeting. As usual, at the end of dinner they ask for a drink. As of basic manners I took one glass but I don't know whether you will believe me or not but I couldn't remember what happened after that.

That one glass made me lost my control, this never happened in my life so far. I already said that I will take little amount without lossing my control but yesterday's happening was something beyond my knowledge" he said truly.

Avu felt his words were true and he is not the kind to drink that much losing his control completely. She felt something fishy there. "I said this much yet you're not believing me. Don't you have Atleast 1% trust, such a sceptical wife" he said like a complaint.

"What did you say? Sceptical?? " she asked with a frown. "Hey! I didn't mean, I just said it like a joke" he tried to convince her. "Don't touch me! Don't talk to me too and I'm not a sceptical person, just because I love you unconditionally, every small thing related to you is my responsibility. That's the reason why I was angry" she said with tears and left the place immediately.

He sat their holding his forehead. He thought for sometime by putting himself in her situation and realized that his words might hurt her alot. He decided to apologize and make her smile again. He fixed that in his mind and left the place.

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