Chapter 60

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Let's continue...

"I'm sure it's Ritika, No other have any intention to take revenge on me." Sid said firmly and Rii nodded as a response. "But how we are going to find her? The address she given in police records are fake. She planned the things very clever. We have to deal with her very carefully." Riyaz stated what he felt.

"Whatever may happen but how she kidnapped Sam? Such a merciless woman!" Rii gritted his teeth. "Relax Rii, we have to get back out Sam safe" Sid replied.

"Sir we got few information about her residence. I have messaged you that address" Sid's private detective said making him happy. Sid and Rii left for the place immediately.

He got another call and it was from his mom. "Ashu!" her voice chocked. "Ma! What happened ma?" Sid aksed nervously. "Avu fainted suddenly Ashu and she is not opening her eues. We have admitted her in the hospital" she replied crying.

"Ma, I'll there in few minutes" Sid ended the call and rushed to the car with Riyaz. He informed Rii about avu and he felt bad too.

They both reached the hospital "She is over stressed and loss of appetite made her weak. I have prescribed few medicines, give that and make her eat healthy food. She will be alright" doctor advised. 

Sid entered the room and found her in tears. He reached to her and touch her forhead. "Sidharth, Sam..." sh started but he cut her off " Our Sam will be safe and I promise you, I'll rescue her sparing my life. Believe me Avu, please" he exclaimed but Avu didn't reply amd cried hugging him. He consoled her and fed her breakfast. She ate silently without protesting.

Riyaz and Sid reached the address
It was an orphanage hom but it looked very small and not know to others. "I have never heard about this orphanage Sidharth" Rii said looking the board. It was written as "Manjul Orphanage home."

They both walked inside carefully. The hall was empty and there was no reception area. They walked alowly and they heard few children's giggle. They walked in the direction and found some ten kids in the garden area playing happily. They both stood there watching the kids. They were not seemed to be tortured or incapacitated but they were so happy and were enjoying.

"If it's an orphanage, why he gave this address" Rii was frustrated. "Let me check with him Riyaz" Sid dailed his number but stopped hearing a familiar voice.

"Sidharth!" Ritika's voice made him dumbstruck. He turned with rage but seeig her he stood speechless. She stood there carrying a small child, the child hugged her neck tightly. Both Sid and Rii was befuddled seeing her and her face didn't reflect any rage or grief or horror. She stood there calm with a smile.

"I knew you'll be here someday and I too know you would be extremely troubled when you're here" she confused them more. "Ritika, if you're the one who kidnapped my Sam then give her back to me and don't make me loose my patience" Sid gritted his teeth but Rits's face turned distracted.

"It means they kidnapped Sam too?" She asked with tears making them baffled. "What do you mean?" Rii asked narrowing his eyes. "I'll tell you everything that happened" Ritika said making them sit on the couch.


"Rits, I love you. I want you as my better half" manjul confessed with a beautiful smile kneeling infront of her. "Manjul, how many times I told you, I can't accept your proposal. My parents won't agree for our marriage" she replied sternly moving aside.

"Hey, come on Rit's! I don't want to be your parents son in law, I want to be your husband. Understand the difference" he hissed. She gazed his sad face but she couldn't risk his life cause she too love him from the bottom of her heart. She avoid him only beacuse of her parents. She knows about her dad and brother and she is not ready to risk his life.

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