Chapter 22

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Let's continue...

Author's pov:

Avu the only word his mind repeated from the moment he saw her. He reached his room, the luxurious dark room resembled his present life without her. The moment he saw her was the only thing revolving in his mind.

He took a deep breath to calm his uneven heart beat and something flashed in his mind. He took his mobile and failed for someone." Hello doctor, Siddharth here" he said. "Hello, Siddharth. How are you doing?" She greeted. "Good doctor, hope you're doing good too" he replied.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Anything important Siddharth?" She asked. "Yes doctor, I didn't conserted you for so long. Now I have a doubt so I called you" he said. "Tell me Siddharth" she asked. "Doctor, it is about Avu. You said that she has some problem and she can't be a mother right?" He asked with confusion.

"Yeah, but that was not a serious issue, as I said she had a minor issue that time. If you have given the medicine which I prescribed properly she might got cured within a year" she said assurance. "Ohh!" Siddharth was lost in his thoughts. "Why Siddharth, is she pregnant?" She asked with joy.

"But one thing Siddharth, if she is pregnant you should take double care of her. As I said, she will face severe complications during the child birth" she advised. "No doctor, I just clarified". "OK Siddharth, take care of her. Take her for regular check ups too" she ended the conversation.
Siddharth kept his mobile aside and the past things flashed in his mind. "You shouldn't have done that Avu" he thought closing his eyes remembering the past days.

Sid's pov:

"Avu, are you ready?" I asked with joy. "Yeah, two minutes" she replied but her face was dull. "Avu, are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, but feeling little dizzy" she replied. "Shall we cancel the plan?" I asked sitting near her. "No-no, nothing serious" she said but she fainted the next moment.

"Avu... Avu.." I was shocked and called our family doctor immediatetly. She reached home in fifteen minutes. She checked Avu. "Siddharth, you bring avneet to hospital, wanna take few tests" she said.

"Doctor, anything serious?" I asked nervously. "Nothing to worry Siddharth, but I think she have some problems" she said. I took Avu to the hospital. After an hour, she called me inside. "Doctor, everything is fine right?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah but Avu has a problem" she said hesitatingly. "What problem doctor?" I asked in confusion. "Her uterus is weak and it will make complications in her pregnancy. To be Frank, if this condition continues she can't be pregnant permanently" she said which made me shock. I look at her sadly.

"Don't worry Siddharth, this is the initial stage and this can be cured by medicines but make sure to give this medicine continuously" she said with hope. "Sure doctor, anything for her. She loves kids and always dreamt to have many kids" I said which made my eyes wet.

"Nothing to worry Siddharth, several girls are facing his problem and it's not a serious complications. She will be cured soon" she said with a smile. "Doctor, you should do me a favour. Please don't tell her about this. I'll make her have the medicine regularly" I requested.

"OK, siddharth. Take care of her. Surely she will be cured soon" she accepted which made me relief.

Everything was perfect after that and our life was so beautiful more than I imagined but problem arose between us in the form of possessiveness. Avu often got possessive after Ritika's entry which made me angry everytime but after my mom's advice, I never hurt her by my actions but what she did next killed me alive, still now I'm suffering for the sun she committed.

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