Chapter 35

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Let's continue...

Sam opened her yes with a jerk. "Sam what you did today?" Avu asked in angry tone. "What I did mommy?' Sam asked in sleepy voice. "Why did you hit Manish? From when you become this cruel?? She asked furiously holding her shoulder.

Sam looked at straightly. "Mommy he is the only reason for that. You know what he did' Avu cut her off "whatever he may did, hitting someone is inhumane Sam, he is also a small kid, how can you hit him with stone? He was bleeding too, what is all this Sam? Didn't you feel bad for him" Avu asked with tears.

"Mommy, he was the one who hit Pranjal first, Pranjal cried very badly. I asked him to apologize but he made fun of me, he teased me and pulled my hairs too which made me angry. So I hit him with stone" Sam said leaving Avu in shock.

"Sam, whatever may happen you should say that with mommy and you shouldn't hit him, that's wrong baby. That will hurt him right" Avu tried to make her understand.

"No mommy, if someone did mistake we should make them realize their mistake if they didn't realize then we should punish them, only then they will realize" Sam argued.

"No Sam, we shouldn't punish others, that's wrong. Only God will give punishment. Mommy told you right, only good things will make your life pleasant. Don't you remember the stories I said you" Avu asked.

"Mommy daddy said many stories, on that hero only will punish bad people. I'm also a hero and I too will punish if someone did wrong" Sam said furiously.

"Oh! Then your dad is the reason behind all these things. Can't he teach some good stories" Avu smiled him mentally and looked at Sam with smile.

"OK, will you like if I hit you for your mistakes? Just tell me what you so if I hit you now for hurting Manish? Will you be happy?" Avu and asked San nodded negatively.

"Did I hit you ever?" She asked and Sam nodded. She took Sam in her arm and made her sit on her lap. "Look Sam baby, this is life and everyone are human around us. Hitting someone will hurt them and that too will make the person to hate us.

We should tell them politely and should make them realize their mistake, we shouldn't hurt them by punishing them. God I'd watching everything and he will give certain punishment if they did that sin intentionally. We humans doesn't have rights to punish anyone.

You are my babygirl and you'll never hurt a person. Be kind baby, don't hit your friends be happy with them" Avu said politely. Yet Sam looked at her with confusion.

"OK, let me come to your point. What did your dad said? Did he ever said that hero hit his friends?" Avu asked raising her eyebrows.

"No mommy, hero will hit only bad person who are wrong" her face turned happy when Avu talked about her dad. "Haan, what's what I'm saying, don't hurt your friends, you should get anger when a stranger hits you or your friends not your friend. If a friends does mistake,you should tell him that was wrong" she asked raising her chin.

"Yes mommy" Sam finally accepted with smile. "Morning you should apologize to Manish, okay "she asked with smile. Sam too accepted with a smile, Avu hugged her and made her sleep in her embrace.

Next day,

"Hello friends, meet Ms. Ashi, my new personal assistant.

 Ashi, my new personal assistant

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