Chapter 30

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Let's continue...

Sid's Pov

"I said what happened and now it's your decision to believe or not but we need to find out the truth behind this master plan" Rii said with determination. I sat there broken. There is a silence to my soul; I feel the chill in my blood, coldness bringing my synapses of my brain to a stand still.

Regret washed over me like the long slow waves on a shallow beach. Each wave was icy cold and wet shivers down my spine. I longed to go back and take a different path, bit now that was impossible. There was no way back. There was no way to make it right.

"Sid, are you listening?" Rii asked me shaking my shoulder. "Yes Rii we need to find out the truth cause I believe that my wife was not behind all these cheep game and I already started regretting me mistakes. Now it's my time and I have to fix everything. I'll not leave the baster whoever is behind this. They separated me from my love for all these years. I'll not leave them" I said in anger but my inner self said I'm the only reason for that separation.

Yes I should trusted her, at least I should heard her statement before coming for a conclusion but why I became so heartless. Something flashed in my mind. I tried to remember and finally I succeeded.

On that day I traveled home hoping Avu was not the victim, I got a call from Rits. "Hello Rits, you're OK right?" I asked with concern since she was admitted in hospital. "Yeah Siddharth, I'm fine but need to tell you something" she said hesitatingly. "Tell me Rits" I asked and what she said shocked me to the hell.

"Sid, Avu called me yesterday. She talked with me so aggressively. She asked me to resign my job, I replied I wont. She was extremely angry that time and she threatened me saying that she will kill me, if I didn't leave your life. I was afraid but I said I won't and ended the call. Today this accident happened, I don't know what to think and how to react.

I don't know whether you will believe this or not. I have sent you the call recording audio too. Please check it, I have an inbuilt call recording app in my mobile all the calls will be recorded. I'm not blaming Avu but her voice was so determined yesterday so I informed you" Rits said making me numb.

I heard the recording and yes that was my avu's voice. How was that possible and that made me so vigorous and I sent her out without considering anything.

"Rii this the what happened that night. Rits gave me the recording and that triggered my anger. Cause Avu's word in that recording was like she doubt my character which made me totally blank. I know I shouldn't believed that so blindly. I should have done something to find out the truth. I have done a great mistake Rii" I poured out much heart.

"Atleast now you realized your mistake, that is a good thing. So in my guess Rits should know the truth" Rii said which I agreed.

"OK then let's enquire her. Where is the truck driver?" Rii asked. "He was released, I too thought punishing him is not fair, so I didn't force them to impression him" I said. "OK then you enquire her and let's search out the culprit soon" Rii said with confidence. "Sure" I replied.

"Hello Rits, there is a meeting today. So you come to office within half an hour" I said professionally. "OK Sid I'll be there in time" she replied and ended the call. "I will not forgive whoever did this to my Avu cause I'm not going forgive myself too for hurting her" I uttered those words with determination.

"Do it Siddharth" Rii said and left the place.

In office,

"Hii Sid, when will the client arrive. Should I do Anny prior arrangements" Rits asked so formally.

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