Chapter 21

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Siddharth's face was pale and he looked like he lost something precious in his life. "Sidharth, what happened?" She came near him looking at his blood stained shirt. He gestured hey to stop by showing his hands. Avu looked at him in confusion. "Siddharth don't make me panic by your gestures" she said crying.

"Enough Avu, please stop your drama" he yelled gritting his teeth. "Drama? What do you mean?" She asked with tears. "Don't you know what you did?" He asked looking straight into her eyes.

"Siddharth please tell me what exactly happened. I really don't know what you are talking about" she pleaded.

"Just answer one simple question. Where is 20 crore which my mom deposited in your name?" He asked crossing his arms.

Avu was shocked by his question and he noticed her facial expression. "That.. That money.. Actually.. That money" she stammered.

"Speak clearly" he shouted which gave earthquake on her, she never saw him that much hyper, he will never raise his voice and mostly he will tell her softly but what happens to him suddenly, her mind pooled with all those questions.

He didn't say a word, as he stared motionlessly straight ahead. She looked at him nervously, his anger made her speechless. "Siddh..." He stopped her before she tried to speak.

"Don't take my name and I clearly understood what happened. You believe those photos than me right?" He asked clenching his fist. "No Siddharth, it's not like that. I never..." Again he stopped her. "Stop it" he yelled.

"I don't wanna forgive you for what you did. In this critical situation, I came here because of the trust I had but your face clearly said what you did and don't think I'll forgive you in my lifetime. I don't want to see you again in my life. Get out of my house before I return back" he said and left the place immediately.

"Oh God, what just happened. God please this should be a nightmare and please wake me up early from this nightmare. I don't want to be in this dream anymore" she stumbled on the floor crying. She couldn't guess what happened and couldnt come out from the shock too.

His words echoed in her mind. "I too don't want to spoil your peace Siddharth, I don't know the exact reason behind you haters but I'm sure that you misunderstood me. When you feel I'm right, you will come to me" she thought and decided to leave the house with tears.

She gazed at the small cat which he presented her on her last birthday, she looked at her sadly. She kept milk in a bowl caressing it's head, she could control her tears and left the place immediately.

She gazed the house and felt like that was the last time she's gonna be there. She packed her clothes which she brought from her home leaving the dresses he bought for her. She placed all her jewels in locker, locked it and kept the key near it photo. She looked at his picture, where he was smiling from his heart. "I'll miss you Siddharth" she said with tears and left the home with broken heart.

She left her house but was not sure where to go. She called her mom but she didn't picked her call and she called her dad. He attended the call "Avu!!" His voice was broken. Avu understood he too know about the issue. "Papa" her voice choked.

"Avu, why she called now. She destroyed her own life and what she is saying now. She got a precious life but she lost it so carelessly" she heard her mom crying and that broke her more. "Stop it Sonia, why are you talking all those things" Aman uncle said with anger.

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